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她是他的夕颜,愿意只为他开那短短的一朝一夕。一见,便倾了心她碰上他,很似当年私自出宫的太平碰上薛邵,一见,便倾了心。何况还是一出英雄救美的邂逅。那日,她好不容易趁父亲外出,使了大小姐的性子独自出了门来,却惹了这样的事端,被一群小无赖纠缠上,好在来了一个他,不等她看清面容,便将她掩护起来。他的身手倒是利落,她在一旁看着,很似小时和家人一起看舞台上的一出功夫戏。他就是穿了 She is his Xi Yan, willing to open only for that short period of time. At first sight, she fell in love with her. It was as if she was confronted by Xue Shao, who was arbitrarily handed over by the palace. When she saw it, she fell in love with her. Not to mention still a hero to save the United States encounter. That day, she finally took advantage of his father to go out, so that the eldest son of the character out of the door alone, but provoked this incident, was a group of small rogue entangled, so come to him, waiting for her to see the face, She cover her up. His skill is actually neat, she looked aside, it is hours and family together to watch a stage kung fu. He is wearing
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