
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanggh1963
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恶性黑色素瘤约占恶性肿瘤的1%,好发生30岁以上。可由正常皮肤、雀斑或痣的黑母细胞发生。好发部位为足部、手部和其它部位的皮肤。转移早、通过淋巴管到局部淋巴结;由血行转移到肺、脑、骨骼等处。预后不良。本文报道1例为右下肢皮肤恶性黑色素瘤纵隔转移误诊为右纵隔型大细胞肺癌的经过。 患者李××,男性,57岁,因进食不顺、发噎、胸部刺痛3个月来我院就诊,经胸透发现右上纵隔增宽并可见外突分叶状肿物,食管钡餐检查见食管受压移位、无粘膜破坏征象,拟诊为纵隔恶性淋巴瘤收入院。T、P、R、Bp均正常。一般情况好、发育正常、营养佳、自动体位,全身浅部淋巴结无肿大。头颈部无异常,胸部对称、肋骨走行均匀、双肺呼吸音正常、心脏无杂音、心律齐、心率90次/分。腹部无肿块、肝脾未触及、四肢脊柱无畸型。 Malignant melanoma accounts for about 1% of malignant tumors, and is well over 30 years old. May occur from normal blasts, freckles, or nevus black mother cells. The predilection sites are the skin of the feet, hands, and other parts. Transfer early, through the lymphatics to regional lymph nodes; from the blood to the lungs, brain, bones, etc. Poor prognosis. This article reports one case of mediastinal metastasis of the right lower extremity malignant melanoma misdiagnosed as right mediastinal type large cell lung cancer. Patient Li X, male, 57 years old, presented to our hospital due to poor feeding, cyanosis, and chest tingling for 3 months. After chest thorax, the right upper mediastinum was widened and the outer lobular mass was visible. The esophageal barium meal examination was performed. See esophageal pressure displacement, no signs of mucosal destruction, was diagnosed as a hospital for mediastinal malignant lymphoma. T, P, R, Bp are normal. The general situation is good, normal development, good nutrition, automatic position, no enlargement of the superficial lymph nodes. There were no abnormalities in the head and neck, chest symmetry, uniform rib walks, normal lung breath sounds, no heart murmur, heart rhythm, and heart rate of 90 beats/min. There was no lumps in the abdomen, no contact between the liver and spleen, and no deformity of the limbs and spine.
本院自1987年7月至1989年10月对鼻咽癌进行了放、化综合及不同分割方法的前瞻性随机研究。现将其近期疗效报道如下: 材料与方法 一、病例选择:选择经病理证实、无远处转移、
作者对各种病因井发胸水的45例病人进行了CEA检测,并对其在胸水诊断中的意义作一评价。材料和方法全部胸水及血清CEA测定均采用美国密执安州SOUTH FIELD厂生产的Leeco酶联免
今冬大热民族风耳环民族风耳环最能强调迷人魅力哦——1、甜美心形复古耳环;2、铜色镶水晶耳环展现俏丽气息;3、繁复的设计最能抢镜;4、双层圆形设计最能体现律动美感; This
上一期小编介绍了几款能在厨房里帮上你的小玩意,这次小编又搜罗到几个在浴室里的新鲜科技产品,绝对让你沐浴时轻松而愉快。 Xiaobian introduced a few on the kitchen to
为了进一步探索对口腔颌面部晚期、复发、转移的鳞状细胞癌联合化疗的治疗经验,我们选用顺氯铵铂(Cisplatin CDDP,C)、氨甲喋呤(Metho trexate MTX.A),平阳霉素(Pingyangmci
备料:牛肉腰窝500克绞成馅,放盐4克,姜切成碎末少许,料酒少许,搅拌成泥。松肉,顾名思义,肉馅内需放少许松子搅碎,味道香,吃后回味无穷。 Preparation: 500 grams of beef lo