Effect of Ultra-Fast Cooling on Microstructure of Large Section Bars of Bearing Steel

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuyucen
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The ultra-fast cooling technology of large section bars and the microstructure for different cooling patterns were studied by optical microscope,transmission electron microscope and energy spectrometer.The results indicated that the large section bars were passed through the zone of secondary carbide precipitation quickly by ultra-fast cooling technology(UFC)at instantaneous cooling rate of about 200 ℃/s and the finishing cooling temperature was higher than Ms.The lamellar spacing of pearlite decreased and the microhardness increased with decreasing the re-reddening temperature.The precipitation of network carbide was restrained when re-reddening temperature was 690 ℃.And fine laminated pearlite was obtained through transformation of pseudopearlition that induced the reduction of the diameter of pearlite grain and refinement of the lamellar spacing of pearlite,so ideal microstructures of promoting spheroidizing annealing were obtained. The ultra-fast cooling technology of large section bars and the microstructure for different cooling patterns were studied by optical microscope, transmission electron microscope and energy spectrometer. The results indicated that the large section bars were passed through the zone of secondary carbide precipitation quickly by ultra -fast cooling technology (UFC) at instantaneous cooling rate of about 200 ° C./s and the finishing cooling temperature was higher than Ms. The lamellar spacing of pearlite decreased and the microhardness increased with decreasing the re-reddening temperature. The precipitation of network carbide was restrained when re-reddening temperature was 690 ° C. And fine laminated pearlite was obtained through transformation of pseudopearlition that induced the reduction of the diameter of pearlite grain and refinement of the lamellar spacing of pearlite, so ideal microstructures of promoting spheroidizing annealing were obtained.
应从市场经济构建发展的全局需要出发,继续开放之路,绝不以当年的WTO承诺为局限今年12月11日是中国入世五周年。 Starting from the overall needs of building a market ec
距离1911年10月22日长沙光复不到十天,一群士兵忽然包围了湖南名绅谭延闿的家,并点名要人。  一幅大难临头的情景,吓得谭延闿惊悸失色、不知所措。随即,士兵们不管三七二十一,强行将他塞进一顶轿子,四个军士抬起就走。谭家上下以为凶多吉少,吓得嚎哭起来。  到了都督府,谭延闿却发现,林立的士兵们均向他敬礼——原来,这些人竟是要他接替刚刚被乱兵杀害的革命党人焦达峰,出任湖南军政府都督。  谭延闿根本没