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第三章药品经营企业管理第十四条 开办药品批发企业,须经企业所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府药品监督管理部门批准并发给《药品经营许可证》;开办药品零售企业,须经企业所在地县级以上地方药品监督管理部门批准并发给《药品经营许可证》,凭《药品经营许可证》到工商行政管理部门办理登记注册。无《药品经营许可证》的,不得经营药品。《药品经营许可证》应当标明有效期和经营范围,到期重新审查发证。药品监督管理部门批准开办药品经营企业,除依据本法第十五条规定的条件外,还应当遵循合理布局和方便群众购药的原则。 Chapter III Management of Pharmaceutical Enterprises Article 14 Starting a pharmaceutical wholesale enterprise shall be approved by the drug regulatory department of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the central government where the enterprise is located and shall be issued a “Drug Administration Permit”; the establishment of a pharmaceutical retail enterprise shall be subject to the enterprise’s location The local drug regulatory department at or above the county level shall approve the issue and issue the “Drug Administration License” and go through the registration with the administrative department for industry and commerce on the basis of the “Drug Administration License.” No “drug business license”, shall not operate drugs. “Drugs business license” should indicate the validity and scope of business, expired re-examination and certification. The drug regulatory department that approves the establishment of a drug-carrying enterprise shall, in addition to the conditions prescribed in Article 15 of this Law, also follow the principle of rational distribution and the convenience of the masses in purchasing medicines.
亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机升空,将步入轨道与国际空间站对接。在那里,航天员将为国际空间站安装重达17.5吨的连接架构。 The space shuttle Atlantis, will be orbital docking w
阿波罗11号是由美国宇航局(NASA)发射的第一艘载人登月宇宙飞船。在阿波罗载人登月计划中是第5次执行载人任务。发射时间在1969年7月16日,在Pad 39A发射。返回时间 1969年,7
阿波罗12号是由美国宇航局(NASA)发射的第二艘载人登月宇宙飞船。在阿波罗载人登月计划中是第6次执行载人任务。 Apollo 12 is the second manned lunar spacecraft launch
对一起未持许可证使用医用 X线诊断机案中是否给予停业整顿处罚进行了讨论 ,提示需要对放射防护法规中处罚进行细化 ,以增强其可操作性 Discussions were held on whether t