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它们像草,哪儿有水有土,就会长起来它们是众生共有的空气,把这个星球覆盖……——惠特曼《自我之歌》到过许多庙窟寺观,不烧香许愿,只察颜观色。凶神恶煞不去多看,而最钟情者莫过于观音。在我心目中,观音不仅是一位修成正果、法力无边、救苦救难的菩萨,而更像一位智慧、善良而美丽的女子。据说观音并非女性,但我更愿意把她想象为维纳斯一样的东方的美神和爱神。观音最经典的手印:拇指与无名指相扣,优雅地穿越时空、穿越天国与人间的兰花指印,在施与,在传递,或在叩问,在劝戒,弥漫在空气中的一缕幽香和清响,仿佛就萦绕在你鼻端耳际……观音的亲和力还在于,相传她以无量变相时常现身和生活于真实的人间。 They are grassy, ​​where there is water and soil, and they grow up. They are the air common to all living beings and cover the planet ... - Whitman’s song of self has been to many temples and temples, Yan Guan color. Wicked do not go to see more, but the most beloved than Guanyin. In my mind, Guanyin is not only a Bodhisattva who has attained good fortune and immortality, but is more like a wise, kindhearted and beautiful woman. It is said that Guanyin is not a woman, but I prefer to think of her as the beauty and love of God in Venus. Goddess of Mercy the most classic fingerprints: the thumb and ring finger interlocking, gracefully through time and space, through heaven and earth orchid fingerprinting, in giving, passing, or inquiring, in persuasion, filled with a ray of faint fragrance in the air and Clear sound, as if linger on your nose and ears ... ... Guanyin still lies in the affinity, according to legend she often appear in immeasurable and live in real world.
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本文概述了科研档案在高职院校各项工作中的重要作用,重点探讨了新形势下如何做好高职院校科研档案管理工作。在上述基础上,提出了高职院校科研档案管理创新机制。 This art
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2月15日,来新疆旅游的刘成等人,在当地朋友的引领下前往喀纳斯景区游玩。15时许,在返回途中因GPS定位不准确,加之对路况不熟,導致车辆陷在冲乎尔镇阿克阿依日克村附近。当时天气突变,风雪交加,游客们着了急。正在大家手足无措之时,游客刘成想到了在办理边境通行证时领取的警官联系卡,急忙拨通了冲乎尔边防派出所的救援电话。  19时12分,接到报警电话后,冲乎尔边防派出所值班民警当即询问游客被困的详细地点
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