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“嫦娥一号”卫星10月24日发射成功,举世瞩目,各界人士纷纷发来贺信、贺电。其中,中国人民对外友好协会会长陈昊苏、原七机部副部长李明实分别给国防科工委领导发来贺信,并各赋诗一首。陈昊苏信中写道:“你们出色的工作,为中国特色社会主义事业的胜利前进作出巨大贡献,向全国人民送来漫天喜庆。我作为曾在航天战线工作过的老兵,感受到鼓舞和振奋,为你们的成功骄傲并自豪,也要向你们表示衷心的感谢!”李明实信中写道:“以此为起点,乘十七大东风,国防科技工业定能取得更辉煌的胜利!”本刊特将两首诗刊登如下。 “Chang’e One ” satellite launched successfully on October 24, attracting worldwide attention, people from all walks of life have sent a congratulatory message, congratulatory message. Among them, Chen Haosu, president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and Li Mingshi, former vice minister of the Seventh Machinery Department, sent letters of congratulation to the leaders of the National Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense respectively, each with a poem. Chen Hao Su Xinzhong wrote: “Your outstanding work has made tremendous contributions to the triumphal progress of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and sent the people of the whole country fantastic joy. As an experienced veteran who has worked in the spaceflight front, I am encouraged and inspired , Proud and proud of your success, but also to express my heartfelt thanks! ”Li Ming Shixin wrote:“ This as a starting point, take the 17th East wind, the national defense science and technology industry will be able to get more brilliant victory! ”The journal will publish two poems as follows.
等,是感情里最薄的一个字。有人说,我在原地等你。有人说,我等你一生一世。有些人回去了,等的人却早已离开;有些人没有回去,等的人独守枯木之心却难以再逢春天。这世间的爱就是这么残酷,当等待变成了煎熬,当等待化作了凝固,桑田曾经沧海一切都变了。  偶然看到著名作家周爱若写过一篇文章《我的父亲》,文中讲述了他的父亲周扬和母亲吴淑媛的爱情过往。周扬嘛,很多人都知道,他是著名文艺评论家和翻译家,曾被誉为20世
脑袋仰起,目光向上,这是仰望的姿势,我一直欣赏这种姿势。因为这种孤独的姿势所诞生的冷峻思考,会让你有所发现,会让你渐渐长大。 The head is raised and the eyes are up.
项目简介中国民用航空总局空中交通管理局(简称总局空管局)是民航总局管理全国空中交通服务、民用航空通信、导航、监视、航空气象、航行情报的职能机构。爱立 Brief Introd
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Critical heat transfer problems are discussed in the context of the operation of a spallafion source target,whichrepresents a first demonstration of the feasib
现代化程度高的城市,全都处在交通运输的关键节点上。这个节点的交通辐射能力越强,这座城市的发展前景越看好。从这个意义上说,交通是城市的命脉。 Cities with a high degr