曼昔农场位于思茅曼昔坝,海拔1,113—1,484米。年均温18.7℃,绝对最高温35℃,绝对最低温-2℃。年雨量1,500毫米,相对湿度80%左右,冬暖夏凉。土壤属紫色砂页岩发育的砖红壤性红壤,土层深厚,质地良好,含钾丰富,适宜种茶。 农场以茶叶牛产为主,茶园多为1965年前后种植。因坡度大,水土流失严重,加之管理不善,施肥不当,土壤肥力低,茶树生长不良,产量不高,品质欠佳。
Manxun Farm is located in Simao Manxiba, 1,113-1,484 meters above sea level. The average annual temperature of 18.7 ℃, the absolute maximum temperature of 35 ℃, the absolute minimum temperature -2 ℃. Annual rainfall of 1,500 mm, relative humidity of about 80%, cool in winter and warm in summer. Soil is purple sandstone red brick red soil development, deep soil, good texture, rich in potassium, suitable for growing tea. The main farm is the production of tea and cows, mostly planted around 1965. Due to large slope, serious soil erosion, combined with poor management, improper fertilization, low soil fertility, poor growth of tea, yield is not high, poor quality.