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正确认识广告宣传 汽配城的广告宣传必须围绕汽配城的定位、汽配城各阶段的主体工作,有计划、有步骤地展开。广告宣传做好了,汽配城的其他工作也会做好。 目前国内市场竞争正进入依靠实力和品牌竞争的新阶段,其重要竞争的手段之一就是广告宣传。 汽配城虽其所处区域、规模大小和所有制性质各有不同,但汽配城是一个专业汽车配件交易场所,是社会的一个窗口,在追求精神文明的今天,更应提高其服务质量,做到“规范服务,笑迎四方客;星级标准,情传五洲人。”然而,现实中广告宣传各地汽配城均不够重视。 Correct understanding of advertising Auto Parts City advertising must focus on the positioning Auto Parts City, Auto Parts City, the main stages of the work, a planned and step by step. Advertising is done, Auto Parts City, other work will be done. At present, the domestic market competition is entering a new stage of relying on strength and brand competition. One of the important means of competition is advertising. Auto Parts City, although its location in the region, size and ownership of different nature, but Auto Parts City is a professional auto parts trading venue is a window of society in the pursuit of spiritual civilization today, but also to improve its quality of service, so “Regulate services, welcome to the Quartet off; Star standards, the story of Wuzhou.” However, the reality of advertising around the Auto Parts City are not enough attention.
现代汽车的 HVAC 系统(热风空调装置)是一个技术复杂而又令人着迷的系统。它综合了制冷、电子、真空控制、计算机编程以及老式的螺杆式压缩机等项技术。本文不讨论所有的这
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