Satisfied Men Live Longer

来源 :科技英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:archer007
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作为上篇的一个姊妹篇,我们很乐意向读者推荐本文。古人云,知足常乐。读完本文,也许你会改其二字:知足长寿。文章告诉我们: Men who reported high levels of satisfaction with their lives were more likely to be alive 20 years later. 知足者竟然能在这个世界上多生活20年!你信否? 文章还提到了男女之别,颇发人深省: It seems to me that the coping abilities of women with distress and dissatisfaction may be better than in men. Men who feel dissatisfied might cope with their feelings by abusing alcohol, smoking and not exercising while women might talk to friends or seek professional help. 你若是男性读者,是否可以从中得到某种启迪? 文章最精彩的句子大概在文末: It is not enough for a human being to earn money and be in physically good condition. One should respect mental health as well.】 As a companion to the previous article, we are happy to recommend this article to readers. The ancients cloud, contentment. After reading this article, perhaps you will change the word: contentment and longevity. The article tells us: Men who reported high levels of satisfaction with their lives were more likely to be alive 20 years later. The contented person could have lived in this world for 20 years more! Do you believe it? The article also mentions the differences between men and women. A thought provoking: It seems to me that the coping abilities of women with distress and dissatisfaction may be better than in men. Men who feel dissatisfied might cope with their feelings by abusing alcohol, smoking and not exercising while women might talk to friends or seek professional help If you are a male reader, can you get some kind of enlightenment? The most exciting sentence of the article is probably at the end of the text: It is not enough for a human being to earn money and be in physical good condition. One should respect mental health as well.]
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