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英雄袁崇焕的故乡金庸先生在《袁崇焕评传》中说:“在距离香港不到150公里的地区中,过去300年内出了两位与中国历史有重大关系的人物。最重要的当然是孙中山先生,另一位是出生在广东东莞的袁崇焕。”袁崇焕不仅仅是广东的骄傲,更是中华民族的骄傲!袁崇焕(1584-1630),广东东莞石碣镇水南村人。明代万历四十七年(1619)中进士,初授福建邵武知县,爱民惜贤。身为文官,袁崇焕心系辽疆,毅然投笔从戎,远赴京城参加官员考核,担任兵部主事。之后他单骑出关考察战情,不畏强敌,主动请缨。得到破格任用后督师蓟辽,屡建奇功,后官至兵部尚书。守辽期间,他高筑宁远孤城,先后打败努尔哈赤和皇太极,取得宁远、宁锦大捷,阻遏清兵南下。1629年,昏庸而又刚愎自用的崇祯皇帝中了皇太极的反间计,听信阉党余孽的谗言,将袁崇焕逮捕下狱,次年被磔刑处死。150年后,清朝乾隆皇帝将真相大白于天下,袁崇焕的千古奇冤才得以昭雪。 Mr. Yuan Yong, the hero of Yuan Chonghuan, the hometown of Yuan Chonghuan, said in the biography of Yuan Chonghuan: “In the area less than 150 kilometers from Hong Kong, two people who have had a major relationship with Chinese history have appeared in the past 300 years. The most important of course is Mr. Sun Yat-sen. Another is Yuan Chonghuan who was born in Dongguan, Guangdong.”Yuan Chonghuan is not only the pride of Guangdong, but also the pride of the Chinese nation! Yuan Chonghuan (1584-1630), who is from Shuinan Village, Shijie Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. In the forty-seventh year of Wanli (1619) in the Ming Dynasty, Chinshi was granted first class education in Shaowu County, Fujian, and he loved the people and cherished the virtues. As a civil servant, Yuan Chonghuan was a department of the Liao Dynasty, and he resolutely invested in writing from Yantai. He went to the capital to participate in official assessment and served as the principal of the military. Afterwards, he rode off to check off the battle situation, feared the enemy, and volunteered. After breaking the appointment, the governor Liao Liao repeatedly created Qi Gong, and later officials went to the Ministry of War. During the period of defending the Liao Dynasty, he built an isolated city of Ningyuan and successively defeated Nurhachi and Huang Taiji, and obtained Ningyuan and Ningjin victories to deter Qing soldiers from going south. In 1629, the unforgiving and self-employed Emperor Chongzhen took the Emperor Taiji’s countermeasures and listened to the rumours of the party’s Yu Yuan. He arrested Yuan Chonghuan and went to jail, and was executed by gaunt the following year. 150 years later, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing dynasty revealed the truth to the world, and Yuan Chonghuan’s wonderful novels were able to show off.
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