
来源 :广西医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sanxin327
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目的:为了解广西地区人群的胎儿铅暴露水平及其影响因素。方法:在广西四市收集脐血标本1526份,其中1508份标本在严格质量控制下以石墨炉原子吸收光谱法进行血铅测定,并以面谈问卷的形式对脐血铅水平在第70百分位以上和30百分位以下者进行家庭社会环境及健康状况调查,用多因素统计分析方法,分析对脐血铅水平有明显作用的影响因素。结果:1508例的血铅水平呈正态分布,被测人群中脐血铅水平为(0.46±0.12)μmol/L,范围0.07~0.89μmol/L,脐血铅水平超过目前公认的安全界限(0.48μmol/L)的占52.1%。研究发现,孕期被动吸烟、孕期上、下班途经时间、家庭成员接触铅、居室邻近马路、孕妇年龄、以煤作为家用燃料及孕期食用皮蛋、居室装饰涂料、孕期使用交通工具等均是胎儿期铅暴露的危险因素。多元Logistic回归分析发现,被动吸烟及居室内涂料装饰对脐血铅水平影响较大。结论:目前广西地区环境铅污染状况可能对胎儿的发育生长产生不利影响。 Objective: To understand the fetal lead exposure in Guangxi population and its influencing factors. Methods: 1526 samples of umbilical cord blood were collected in four cities of Guangxi. Among them, 1,508 samples were tested for blood lead by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with strict quality control. The lead levels in umbilical cord blood were measured in the 70th percentile Bit or more than 30th percentile of the family social environment and health status survey, using multivariate statistical analysis, analysis of cord blood lead levels have a significant role in the influencing factors. Results: The level of blood lead was normal in 1508 cases. The levels of cord blood in the tested population were (0.46 ± 0.12) μmol / L, ranging from 0.07 to 0.89 μmol / L. The level of cord blood lead exceeded the currently accepted safety margin 0.48 μmol / L) accounted for 52.1%. The study found that passive smoking during pregnancy, during pregnancy, work time, family members exposed to lead, bedroom near the road, the age of pregnant women, coal as a fuel and food during pregnancy preserved eggs, bedroom decoration paint, transport during pregnancy are all fetal lead Exposure risk factors. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis found that passive smoking and indoor paint decoration on the cord blood lead levels greater impact. Conclusion: At present, environmental lead pollution in Guangxi may have an adverse effect on fetal growth and development.
营养不良是儿科的常见病、多发病,重度营养不良可引起全身多脏器,多系统病理、生理改变,病死率高。现将我院1988~1998年收治的118例重度营养不良分析如下。1 临床资料1.1 一