
来源 :中国实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jamesfork
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目的 :应用玻璃体切除术联合膜剥离技术治疗复杂性视网膜。方法 :对 78例 78眼行玻璃体切除联合膜剥离术 ,切除混浊、变性、增殖的玻璃体及陈旧性积血。用膜钩、剪、镊对视网膜前膜彻底膜剥离、钩膜及切膜 ,对部分剥膜困难者 ,行网膜切开或切除 ,充分松解视网膜后 ,放液、注气体或注硅油填充 ,促之视网膜复位。结果 :78眼经 1~ 15月 (平均 2 .9月 )随访 ,总复位率 83 .3 %。结论 :1复杂性视网膜脱离 ,由于纤维化形成 ,故行常规手术很难成功 ,往往需要将视网膜前增殖膜进行彻底充分剥离 ,松解视网膜是手术成功的关键。 2由于此技术操作精度高 ,难度大 ,同时需完善的玻璃体手术设备 ,术者需有丰富的临床操作经验及熟练的技术水准也是手术成功的关键。 OBJECTIVE: To treat complex retinal by using vitrectomy combined with membrane stripping technique. Methods: 78 cases (78 eyes) underwent vitrectomy combined with membrane dissection to remove the turbid, degenerated and proliferated vitreous and old hemorrhage. With the membrane hook, scissors, tweezers on the membrane before the retinal detachment of the membrane, the hook membrane and the membrane, some of the stripping difficulties, the line of retinal incision or excision, full release of the retina, drain, gas injection or silicone Fill, promote the retina reset. Results: 78 eyes were followed up from January to September (mean, mean 2.9 months), with a total reduction rate of 83.3%. Conclusion: 1 complex retinal detachment, due to the formation of fibrosis, so routine surgery is difficult to succeed, often require the full pre-retinal detachment membrane fully stripped, the release of the retina is the key to the success of the operation. 2 Due to the high accuracy and difficulty of this technique, and the need of perfect vitreous surgery equipment, surgeons need to have rich experience in clinical operation and skilled technical standards are also the key to successful operation.
在我得过的奖杯中,百花奖很沉。 千万个普通人用普通的手填上一张普通的纸,寄给了我们,不为挣钱,不为出名,很纯。这种很纯的东西,足以使我们在一片名利场的喧嚣声中清醒一点
初入影坛的斯皮尔伯格指挥着一支庞大的摄制队伍拍摄了鸿片巨制的《大白鲨》。影片独特的氛围与深刻的内涵令人难忘,并为好莱坞赢得4.1亿美元的空前票房收入。 Spielberg i
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患儿 3个月.出生后不久出现吸气时胸骨上凹明显伴喘鸣,近4 d喘急气促加重,胸部平片显示纵隔影明显右偏移位,左肺气肿,提示气管异物可能(图1).临床拟气管异物或先天性喉气管发育不良,要求进一步做CT检查.
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