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  Guiyang ETDZ Lowers Threshlod for Investment
  By Lan Yitong
  After China joined the WTO, the Guiyang Economic and Technological Development Zone (GETDZ) in Guizhou Province, southwest China, has adopted the following measures to lower the threshold for investment inflow:
  1. The zone government has raised 10 million yuan as a reserve fund used for subsidizing purchases of land priced higher than that in surrounding regions, provided such land is to be used for projects that comply with local industrial policies. If the world‘s top 500 firms, multinational corporations, well-known domestic enterprises or enterprise groups need land for setting up regional headquarters or R&D centers, all applications will be dealt with as special cases. For businesses investing in infrastructure, new- and high-tech projects, biological resources development and projects that promise to generate high export earnings and pay a lot of taxes, land fees will be charged at the lowest rates of prescribed standards. For outside investors, land can be rented first and bought later; payment of rent in the first year may be delayed; the maximum period of land lease is 10 years, and lease can be renewed; paid rent can offset payment for land purchase; and no rent will be collected from land users within the period of project construction.
  2. Major infrastructure facilities including roads, power and water supply and telecom facilities are now ready in the Western Region Development Industrial Park, Foreign Capital Industrial Park and Cooperation Industrial Park (including the Township Enterprises Science and Technology Park and the Guizhou Medicine Valley).
  3. We have focused our work on bringing about good inter-enterprise cooperation and cooperation between enterprises and peasants. This has greatly reduced production cost.
  4. To meet the needs of enterprises, we have been making major efforts to develop logistics. As a result, logistics cost has come down for enterprises in the development zone.
  5. Since the beginning of 2002, the zone government has raised 10 million yuan (this will be repeated every year) to be used as interest subsidies for loans for major investment projects in the zone and as financial support for technical upgrading projects there.
  6. No charge is imposed on enterprises in the zone except for those provided for by the central and provincial governments (such charges shall be collected at the lowest standards).
  7. A system has been instituted whereby project applications are put on the record and be handled within a prescribed time period. Relevant government departments are to examine project applications simultaneously. And shareholders shall be permitted to independently decide the equity shares of technology, intellectual property rights and human resources in the capital investment.
  8. From the beginning of 2002, all employees working for enterprises in the zone who have received college education or education at higher levels are allowed to transfer their residence registration into the zone. No administrative fees are charged for going through the relevant procedures.■
1999年6月 17日,江泽民总书记在陕西西安主持召开了西北五省区国有企业改革与发展座谈会并发表重要讲话,发出了实施西部大开发战略的动员令。此后,陕西省委、省政府结合陕西实际,确定重
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