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死亡不是爱的终点乡村乐界巨星Collin Raye拥有五张白金唱片及九首乡村冠军单曲这样的傲人纪录,在许多方面都展现出与其他乡村歌手迥异的独特魅力。他的作品融合了乡村、流行、民谣及抒情、摇滚等多种曲风,他的嗓音富有磁性,他的歌声饱含深情。他对于自己进入乐坛的初衷一直未变,那就是为抚慰人心而唱。Collin Raye推出的首张专辑All I Can Be里收录的这首单曲“Love,Me”连续三周雄霸全美乡村单曲榜冠军宝座,让他一举成名。“Love,Me”讲述的是老一辈纯洁坚贞,催人泪下的爱情故事。那张字条上简单的话语,本就是坚定的誓言以及真爱最好的证明。它使每一秒的等待都变得美好而有意义。当这对恋人历尽艰辛,终得以白头偕老,他们定是幸福而知足的。直到其中一个人离世,才发现,爱几辈子都不够长。当爷爷流着泪说出字条上同样的誓言,他定希望爱人能听到,并微笑地等待他们在天国里的重逢。死亡不是爱的终点。这首歌饱含无尽爱意,让人如此感动,以至很多人都在亲人的葬礼上播放它。 Death is not the end of love Country music star Collin Raye has five record platinum albums and nine country champions singles such a record, in many ways have shown a unique charm and other country singers. His works blend rural, popular, folk and lyric, rock and other genres, his voice rich in magnetism, his voice full of affection. His original intention of entering the music scene has not changed, that is to soothe the heart and sing. Collin Raye’s debut album All I Can Be included in this single “Love, Me ” for three consecutive weeks dominate the country’s singles chart champion, let him fame. “Love, Me ” tells the pure love of old generation, telling tears. The simple words on that note, this is a firm vow and the best proof of true love. It makes every second of waiting to be beautiful and meaningful. When the lovers go through hardships and finally get old together, they will be happy and content. Until one of the people died, only to find that love is not long enough for several lives. When Grandpa shed tears and uttered the same oath on the note, he hoped his lover would hear and smile for them to rejoin in heaven. Death is not the end of love. This song is full of endless love, so touching, so many people are playing in the funeral of their loved ones.
完成句子测试学生的语言综合运用能力,它将语法和词汇整合起来进行考查。因此学生有必要分语法专题对这一题型进行强化训练。英语里的特殊句型包括倒装句、强调句和省略句等,它们在英语句子里的复现率相当高。下面是一些典型的特殊句型练习,同学们不妨一练:  1. Round the corner___________(一辆小汽车来了). (come)  2. Out _____________ (一群孩子冲了出
The previous model for the boundary layer nanofluid flow past a stretching surface with a specified nanoparticle volume fraction on the surface is revisited.The