在城市供水调度系统中,目前正在朝由计算机智能控制的SCADA(Supervision ControlAnd Data Acquisition)系统即超级监控和数据采集系统的方向发展。1 SCADA系统 该系统以DCS(分布式控制系统)为基础,采用网络结构,有线通信媒体,高档微机或小型机、工作站、PLC(可编程控制器)等硬件配置,软件采用模块化及软件包化,系统功能强大,软硬件的智能化、标准化程度高,设备稳定可靠,基本取代人工调度方式。
In the urban water supply dispatching system, it is currently moving towards the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system supervised and controlled by a computer. 1 SCADA system The system is based on DCS (Distributed Control System), using network structure, wired communication media, high-end microcomputer or minicomputer, workstations, PLC (programmable logic controller) and other hardware configuration, the software modular and software package The system is powerful, intelligent hardware and software, a high degree of standardization, stable and reliable equipment, the basic replacement of manual scheduling.