The cage effect on assembly of cyclic-bis-(zinc porphyrin) with 5,15-dipyridylporphyrin

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:magicarpet
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An inclusion complex of cyclic bis(zinc porphyrin) 1 with 5,15-dipyridylporphyrin derivative 3 has been designed and constructed. The complex formation is induced by Zn-N coordination, and is robust (Kassoc ~ 106 L/mol) due to the presence of the cage effect of cyclic bis(zinc porphyrin). The cage-like complex as an entity is stable enough, and also convenient to achieve relative movement between the bis(zinc porphyrin) host and the dipyridylporphyrin guest connected by Zn-N coordination. The characteristics of these assemblies have been demonstrated by 1 H NMR, UV-vis, and fluorescence spectra. The results show its potential applications as a molecular gyroscope in molecular machines. The inclusion formation of cyclic bis (zinc porphyrin) 1 with 5,15-dipyridylporphyrin derivative 3 has been designed and constructed. The complex formation is induced by Zn-N coordination, and is robust (Kassoc ~ 106 L / mol) due to the presence of the cage effect of cyclic bis (zinc porphyrin). The cage-like complex as an entity is stable enough, and also convenient to achieve relative movement between the bis (zinc porphyrin) host and the dipyridylporphyrin guest connected by Zn-N coordination The characteristics of these assemblies have been demonstrated by 1 H NMR, UV-vis, and fluorescence spectra. The results show its potential applications as a molecular gyroscope in molecular machines.
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