在全区上下认真学习贯彻党的十六大精神热潮中 ,我们在这里举行广西通志馆成立七十周年纪念会。受李兆焯主席委托 ,我代表自治区人民政府向广西通志馆的专家、学者、工作人员致以热烈的祝贺 ,并借此机会向全区修志工作者致以诚擎的问候。今天 ,我们纪念通志馆成立 70周年 ,一个
In studying and implementing the spiritual upsurge of the 16th National Congress of the CPC throughout the district, we hold the commemorative meeting of the seventieth anniversary of the establishment of Guangxi Tongzhi Museum here. On the invitation of Chairman Li Zhaozhuo, on behalf of the Autonomous Region People’s Government, I extended my warm congratulation to the experts, scholars and staffs of Guangxi Tongzhi Museum and took this opportunity to extend sincere greetings to all the ChiZhi workers throughout the region. Today, we commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Annals Hall, one