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集体协商是市场经济条件下协调劳动关系的重要制度安排,是工会组织履行维护职工合法权益基本职责的重要载体和手段,对于构建和谐劳动关系具有十分重要的基础性作用。近年来,随着党和国家更加重视加强社会建设,特别是党的十八大报告和国家“十二五”规划纲要均对集体协商工作提出明确要求、做出具体部署、指明努力方向,工会开展集体协商工作面临着更为难得的大好机遇。各级工会抓住党和国家高度重视集体协商工作的契机,按照全总提出的“两个普遍”要求,进一步把集体协商工作摆上更加突出和重要的位置,举全会之力集中加以推进,工会集体协商工作呈现出力度大、措施实、势头好的良好局面。为更好地服务各地工会开展集体协商工作的需要,方便广大读者全面深入了解集体协商工作的相关情况,从而进一步推动集体协商工作深入开展,本刊从本期起推出《集体协商工作问答》专栏,敬请关注。 Collective bargaining is an important institutional arrangement for coordinating labor relations under market economy and is an important carrier and means for trade unions to perform their basic duties of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers and staff members. It plays a very important and fundamental role in building a harmonious labor relations. In recent years, as the party and the state pay more attention to strengthening social construction, especially the report on the 18th CPC National Congress and the national “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” have made clear demands on the collective consultation work, concrete arrangements have been made to indicate the direction of efforts The unions that conduct collective bargaining work face great opportunities that are even more rare. The trade unions at various levels should seize the opportunity that the party and the state attach great importance to collective bargaining and, in accordance with the “two universal” demands put forth by the General Assembly, further place the task of collective bargaining in a more prominent and important position and concentrate the power of the plenum Promoting the collective bargaining work of the trade unions showed a good situation with great intensity, concrete measures and good momentum. In order to better serve the needs of trade unions in collective bargaining across the country and to facilitate the readers in their comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the relevant conditions of collective bargaining so as to further promote collective bargaining in depth, this issue of the “Collective Bargaining Q & A” column ,stay tuned.
3月7日星期三多云三月,按着诗里的情意,总是绿草如茵,泛起泥土醇厚的香气;鲜花艳丽,飘来穿越长空的牧歌的清幽馨香。一切都浸透着融融的 On March 3, a cloudy day in March
2月14日那天,当然要好好high一下,如果两人可以商量商量,把style搞得一致一些,站在一起那才叫人羡慕呢! On February 14th of that day, of course, we must make a good i