On harmonic operation of Shanghai deep UV free electron laser

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xp1308729
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By choosing parameters in the modulator, the dispersive section and the seed laser, the spatial bunching of the electron beam can be correlated to the n-th harmonic of the radiator radiation, instead of the fundamental radiation in conventional high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG). Thus, the radiator undulator is operated at high harmonic mode. In this paper, the possibility of harmonic operation of Shanghai deep ultraviolet (SDUV) free electron laser (FEL) is studied. Discussions on the principle of harmonic operation, the simulation code development, the simulation results, and the proposed experimental procedure for verification of harmonic operation at the SDUV FEL are also presented. By selecting parameters in the modulator, the dispersive section and the seed laser, the spatial bunching of the electron beam can be correlated to the n-th harmonic of the radiator radiation, instead of the fundamental radiation in conventional high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG Thus, the radiator undulator is operated at high harmonic mode. In this paper, the possibility of harmonic operation of Shanghai deep ultraviolet (FUV) is studied. Discussions on the principle of harmonic operation, the simulation code development, the simulation results, and the proposed experimental procedure for verification of harmonic operation at the SDUV FEL are also presented.
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知足常乐。如果你能做到这一点的话,将是行也安然,坐也安然。不贪名利,恬淡寡欲,宁静而致远。知足者终生快乐。 Contentment. If you can do that, you will be safe and s
当前,我国正在积极治理经济环境,整顿经济秩序,以推进改革和建设的顺利进行。下面就工作实践中碰到的若干问题,结合上海市的情况,谈一点看法。 (一)治理经济环境必须采取综