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1.底肥用量 绿肥田亩施绿肥1500公斤、人畜粪400公斤、过磷酸钙25公斤。冬种田亩施人畜粪750~1250公斤、枯饼30公斤、过磷酸钙25公斤、鸡鸭粪15公斤。也可用牛栏粪、山青、草塘泥等作底肥,不少地区在肥力中等的田备仅用60公斤菜枯、25公斤过磷酸钙,也获得亩产600公斤的产量。值得特别提出的是:如果用氮化肥作底肥来代替有机肥,造成根系生长弱、无效分蘖多,会失去控蘖和增粒的机会,因此只要求有机肥作底肥,不用任何氯化肥作底肥。 1. The amount of green manure fertilizer application of green manure 1500 kg, human and animal manure 400 kg, superphosphate 25 kg. Kung Shi winter farming livestock manure 750 ~ 1250 kg, 30 kg dry cake, superphosphate 25 kg, chicken and duck dung 15 kg. Also available cattle barn, mountain green, grass pond mud as base fertilizer, in many areas in the field of medium fertility medium only 60 kg of vegetable dry, 25 kg of superphosphate, also received 600 kg per mu yield. It is worth mentioning that: If nitrogen fertilizer as a base fertilizer instead of organic fertilizer, resulting in weak root growth, invalid tiller and more will lose control tiller and granulation opportunities, so only requires organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, without any chlorinated fertilizer as base fertilizer .
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中植372是中国农科院植保所,从抗虫棉与丰产棉品种复合杂交后代中选育出的新品系,具有抗棉铃虫、棉蚜、枯萎病、高产、优质等优点。 1、抗病虫性 1989年在中国农科院植保所
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