
来源 :中风与神经疾病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tyhz3030
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Fisher 综合征为罕见病例,国内1950~1984年文献、资料完整者仅见五例。本文就近年来收集到的两例(包括血清免疫学及 CT 资料)结合文献进行讨论。病例报告例一:女、62岁、退休工人,患者于发病前三日,有右足背局部红肿,拟诊为“丹毒”,经抗炎,抗风湿治疗,两天后局部红肿消失,即发生晕眩、视物模糊、左眼睑下重无力,上下肢活动有抖动不稳、躯干在坐立时不稳、摇摆。起病时无头疼、呕吐、发热史。既往无高血压、甲亢及糠尿病史。检查:Bp130/90mmHg,T36.6℃,神清语明、左眼睑轻度下垂,眼球不突出,无红肿。双眼球固定于正中偏下视位,各向运动受限,双瞳孔等大,光反应好。视乳头边缘欠清、色泽稍红、生理凹陷消失,静脉稍充盈,屈光度大于2D。眼压正常均无 Fisher syndrome is a rare case, the domestic literature from 1950 to 1984, only five cases of complete data. This article in recent years collected two cases (including serum immunology and CT data) with the literature for discussion. A case report: female, 62 years old, retired workers, patients in the onset of the first three days, there are local redness of the right dorsal foot, to be diagnosed as “erysipelas”, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic treatment, local swelling disappeared two days later, Dizzy, blurred vision, weakness of the left eyelid, upper and lower extremity activities jitter instability, instability in the trunk sitting, swinging. No headache at onset, vomiting, fever history. No previous history of hypertension, hyperthyroidism and diabetes. Check: Bp130 / 90mmHg, T36.6 ℃, clear statement, left eyelid mild drooping, the eye is not prominent, no redness. Binocular fixed in the middle of the lower as the visual acuity, restricted movement, double pupil and other large, good light response. As the edge of the optic disc is less clear, the color is slightly red, the physiological depression disappears, the vein is slightly filled, and the refraction is greater than 2D. No normal intraocular pressure
这是一份美国孩子的心声,可是读下来不由地问:文化差异真的那么大吗?尤其,当我们是个孩子时——1、不要宠我,我很清楚我不 This is the voice of an American child, but wh
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