Osteoclastic and pleomorphic giant cell tumors of the pancreas:A review of clinical,endoscopic,and p

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xilotola
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Giant cell tumors of the pancreas come in three varieties-osteoclastic,pleomorphic,and mixed histology.These tumors have distinctive endoscopic,clinical,and cytological features.Giant cell tumors have a controversial histogenesis,with some authors favoring an epithelial origin and others favoring a mesenchymal origin.The true origin of these lesions remains unclear at this time.These are also very rare tumors but proper identification and differentiation from more common pancreatic adenocarcinoma is important.The risk factors of these tumors and the prognosis may be different from those associated with standard pancreatic adenocarcinoma.Recognition of these differences can significantly affect patient care.These lesions have a unique appearance when imaged with endoscopic ultrasound(EUS),and these lesions can be diagnosed via EUS guided Fine Needle Aspiration(FNA).This manuscript will review the endoscopic,clinical,and pathologic features of these tumors. Giant cell tumors of the pancreas come in three varieties of osteoclastic, pleomorphic, and mixed histology. These tumors have distinctive endoscopic, clinical, and cytological features. Giant cell tumors have a controversial histogenesis, with some authors favoring an epithelial origin and others favoring a thesense origin of these lesions remains unclear at this time.These are also very rare tumors but proper identification and differentiation from more common pancreatic adenocarcinoma is important.The risk factors of these tumors and the prognosis may be different from those associated with standard pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Recognition of these differences can significantly affect patient care. These lesions have a unique appearance when imaged with endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), and these lesions can be diagnosed via EUS guided Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA). This manuscript will review the endoscopic, clinical, and pathologic features of these tumors.
[摘 要] 高等职业院校人才培养工作状态数据采集与管理平台是教学诊断与改进工作重要的辅助工具,也是促进学校管理现代化、标准化、制度化,完善教学质量保障体系,提升管理水平,提高管理效益,深化内涵建设的一个重要手段和途径。研究采集进程中存在的问题,改进数据采集流程和方法,应用好采集数据平台,充分发挥数据的作用,具有积极的现实意义。  [关 键 词] 高职;人才培养数据;采集;应用  [中图分类号] G