Yiyang City, Hunan Province, the use of technology sheet factory bed linen for the development of new products and services, has received significant economic results. From January to October last year, output increased by 17% over the same period of the previous year. Output value increased by 25%. Tax revenue increased by 113% and sales revenue increased by 104%. Yiyang City bed sheet factory is put into operation in 1966 medium-sized sheet factory, more than 1,000 employees. In the past, this factory ate a lot of sufferings because it did not attach importance to the collection and utilization of scientific and technological files. Once, a washing machine washing machine spindle bearing damage, due to the loss of drawings, had to stop disassembling check the model for maintenance, affecting the production of two weeks. Plant party committee learned this lesson, the scientific and technological archives work included in the agenda, which is in charge of a vice director