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你会信任一个外来的陌生人吗?在社会心理学家看来,这种对于“陌生人的敌意”,是引致恐惧、防范、攻击和冲突的一个重要的心理根源。而弥漫于公众中的天然的防范心理,则会使得突然暴发的公共安全危机,从单一的医学、食品健康和日用品等领域迅速蔓延成一场社会性的信任恐慌。再想想德隆、巨人、爱多的例子。又有多少企业是因为来自银行、投资者和消费者的不信任恐慌,致使资金链断裂,企业就此休克而死。恐慌不仅会造成经济灾难,更会导致社会灾难。比如,SARS。苏丹红、禽流感、疯牛病、转基因等一系列关乎公众食品安全的事件,已不仅仅是商业世界里的利益冲突,而是演化为人与人之间、人与公司之间的强硬对立情绪。堪称商业信誉良好的跨国公司,已经在一段时期以来吃尽了公众信任危机的苦头。转基因事件中的雀巢,苏丹红事件中的肯德基,以及SK-Ⅱ事件中的宝洁和刚刚陷入婴儿用品风波的强生……即使再长久使用它们产品的消费者,也会在真相揭露或者是传言四起的那一刻,做出唾弃的举动。这是跨国公司——当然也包括中国企业——必须警觉到的商业环境的深刻变迁:公众的信任抑或不信任,已经成为新的经营风险。而我们也试图从心理学和社会学的角度来揭示,弥漫于公众中的不信任感和恐慌产生的真正原因。 Do you trust an alien stranger? To social psychologists this kind of “hostility toward strangers” is an important psychological source of fear, prevention, assault and conflict. And the natural preventive psychology that permeates the public can cause the sudden outbreak of a public security crisis to quickly spread from a single field of medicine, food health and daily necessities to a social trust panic. Think again Delong, giant, love more examples. How many companies because of panic from the mistrust of banks, investors and consumers, resulting in the collapse of the funding chain, the company died in this shock. Panic not only causes economic disaster but also causes social disaster. For example, SARS. Sudan, bird flu, mad cow disease, genetically modified and a series of events related to public food safety, not just the conflict of interests in the business world, but evolved into a tough confrontation between people, between people and companies. Multinationals with good business reputation have suffered from public crisis of confidence for some time. Nestle in the GMO case, KFC in the Sudan case, P & G in the SK-II case and Johnson & Johnson in the storm of baby products ... Even consumers who have used their products for a long time will be exposed in truth or rumored That moment, to cast aside the move. This is a profound change in the business environment that transnational corporations - and of course Chinese - companies must be aware of: the public’s trust or distrust has become a new business risk. And we also try to reveal from psychology and sociology perspectives, the real causes of the sense of mistrust and panic that prevail in the public.
稻纵卷叶螟是我县水稻常发性主要害虫之一,每年发生5~6代,以2、3代为主害代。在调查中发现天敌对其发生有明显的 Rice leaf roller is one of the main perennial rice pest
从云南和贵州茶区茶树害虫的自然罹病幼虫中分离获得的22种病毒,即:油桐尺蠖 NPV、云尺蠖 NPV、茶蓑蛾 NPV、大蓑蛾 NPV、木橑尺蠖 NPV、蔚茸毒蛾 NPV、乌桕黄毒蛾 NPV、茶毛
松针红斑病是多种松树毁坏叶部的病害.其病原Dothistroma pini引起针叶感病凋枯.美国东部大平原栽植的西黄松,由于该病危害早期落叶,致使大部分造林成果失败.在大平原的中部
本文报道了四川省南川地区乌梢蛇种群数量变动状况及其变动因素,并对乌梢蛇资源的合理利用和保护提出了建议。 This paper reports the changes of the population and the