“悟已往之不谏 知来者之可追”——1999年西安美院美术创作和改革形势展望

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晋代大诗人陶渊明向往田原生活,他挣脱羁绊之后慨然沉吟:“悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追”。今天,诗人的情怀之于我们仍然有着积极的进取意义。西安美院在本世纪末的改革大潮中虽然没能成为时代的“弄潮儿”,切不可气馁,况且新的形势也告诫我们切莫歧路徘徊,而应告别以往,珍惜明天,迎接挑战。今年是世纪之交的重要历史时刻,西安美院将以全面改革为目标,以第九届全国美展为契机,在新世纪到来之时抓住机遇,努力把自己创办成为一流的美术学院。 去年,西安美院承办了“华夏纵横”大型文化活动。该项活动又是具有广泛意义和持久性的文化艺术工程,既弘扬传统艺术文化,又发掘新的艺术天地,对西安美院参加九届美展的艺术创作具有推动作用。同时,“华夏纵横”活动还具有积极的前瞻意义,其形式之新颖,内容之纷繁,规模之宏大,都是前所未有的。如今,“华夏纵横”东、西、南、北四路采风活动已经划上圆满的句号。学院对发掘出的资料予以整理、提炼并展出,从而激发全院教师的创作热情。 Tao Yuanming, a poet of the Jin Dynasty, longs for Tian Yuan’s life. After he broke away from his fetters, he thought generously: “Wu has not remonstrated in the past, but he has known him.” Today, the poet’s feelings for us still have a positive and progressive significance. Although the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts failed to become the “beach boy” of the era in the tide of reform in the end of this century, it should not be discouraged. Moreover, the new situation also warned us not to hover over the differences but should say goodbye to the past and cherish tomorrow and meet the challenge. This year marks an important historical moment at the turn of the century. The Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts will take the opportunity of a comprehensive reform as its goal and take the opportunity of the Ninth National Art Exhibition to seize the opportunity when the new century comes and endeavor to establish itself as a first-rate art academy. Last year, the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts hosted the “Huaxia aspect” large-scale cultural activities. This activity is also a cultural and art project with a wide range of meanings and permanence. It not only promotes the traditional art and culture, but also explores new art worlds and promotes the participation of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in the art creation of the 9th Art Exhibition. At the same time, “China aspect” has a positive and prospective significance. Its form is novel, the content is numerous and the scale is grand, and it is unprecedented. Today, “China aspect” east, west, south and north of the four folk songs activity has come to a successful conclusion. College excavated information to be arranged, refined and exhibited, so as to stimulate the teachers enthusiasm for the creation of the school.
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