映日荷花别样红 2014年中国“华文教育·华校校董/杰出人士华夏行”掠影

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由中国国务院侨务办公室、中国海外交流协会主办的2014年“华文教育·华校校董/杰出人士华夏行”活动,7月7日至15日在广东的广州、佛山和福建的福州、泉州、厦门等地举行。来自世界五大洲30多个国家的150多位海外华校校董、华文教育杰出人士,齐聚羊城广州,从这里开启了此次华夏行之旅。统一着装粉红色T恤的校董、校长们,先后走进暨南大学、华侨大学、厦门大学等国内知名高等学府,走进广州华侨外国语学校、广州华美实验学校、福州实验小学等国内特色学校。访问团参观了广州的黄埔军校 Sponsored by the Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs of the State Council of China and the China Overseas Exchange Association, the activities of “Education for Chinese Education & Hua Xia School Managers / Outstanding Individuals 2014” were held in Guangzhou, Foshan and Fuzhou, Fujian from July 7 to July 15, Quanzhou, Xiamen and other places. More than 150 overseas Chinese school directors and outstanding Chinese educators from more than 30 countries on the five continents gathered in Guangzhou, a city in Guangzhou, opening the journey to China. Uniformed pink T-shirt managers, principals, has entered the Jinan University, Huaqiao University, Xiamen University and other well-known domestic institutions of higher learning, into the overseas Chinese overseas Chinese schools in Guangzhou, Guangzhou, China and the United States Experimental School, Fuzhou Experimental Primary School and other characteristics of the school. The delegation visited the Whampoa Military Academy in Guangzhou
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