Response of spikelet water status to high temperature and its relationship with heat tolerance in ri

来源 :作物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:may523
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In rice, high-temperature stress (HT) during flowering results in decreased grain yield via a reduction in spi-kelet fertility;however, the effect of plant water status on spikelet fertility under HT remains unknown. To investigate the relationship between spikelet water status and spikelet fertility under HT, two experiments were performed under temperature-controlled conditions using four genotypes with varying tolerance to HT. Rice plants were exposed to HT for seven consecutive days during the flowering stage under three soil water treatments (soil water potential 0,-20, and-40 kPa), as well as under hydroponic conditions in a separate experiment. HT significantly decreased spikelet fertility, pollen fertility, and anther dehiscence under each of the three water treatments. HT significantly increased the spikelet transpiration rate, and this change was accompanied by a significant decrease in the internal temperature of the spikelets. HT decreased pollen grain diameter in heat-sensitive genotypes. HT had varying effects on the water potential of panicles and anthers but increased anther soluble-sugar concentration. Different aquaporin genes showed different expression profiles under HT, and the expression levels of PIPs for plasma membrane intrinsic proteins and TIPs for tonoplast intrinsic proteins increased in anthers but decreased in glumes. Correlation analyses showed that anther dehiscence and pollen (spikelet) fertility were tightly associated with anther water status, and the expression levels of almost all anther aquaporin genes were significantly correlated with anther dehiscence under HT. In summary, an increased spikelet transpiration rate and decreased internal spikelet temperature were associated with alleviation of the effects of HT in rice geno-types with varying degrees of heat tolerance, and the response of spikelet water status to HT, involving increased total expression of aquaporins and soluble sugar content, thereby improved pollen fertility, anther dehiscence, and spikelet fertility, especially in heat-resistant genotypes. The heat-resistant geno-types N22 and SY63 may adopt different approaches to reduce heat damage.
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