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从1978年到2008年,我国走过了日新月异的30年。这30年中,堪称人类史上最伟大实践的改革开放事业在我国持续深入地进行。短短30年间,我国由一个国民经济濒于崩溃的贫弱国家一跃成长为全球第4大经济体,民众生过与发展的要求获得了前所未有的尊重和满足。短短30年间,我国创造了令世人瞠目的一个个奇迹:国民生产总值年均增长9.7%以上;进出口贸易总额增长了近100倍:城乡居民储蓄增长了700多倍……30年时光,在人类历史中短暂如白驹过隙,但是这30年改变了一个国家的面貌,帮助包括我们在内的所有中国人实现了一个又一个梦想。每一个中国人都有理由为此感到自豪,因为我们看到:中华民族的伟大复兴正在变成现实。我们中职生,不仅是改革开放事业的见证者,也是享受着改革开放诸多成果的人,同时,我们将来还会成为改革开放事业的参与者。在全国上下隆重纪念改革开放30周年之际,年轻的我们更应该今昔对比,多想想改革开放事业的艰难,并珍惜如今美好的一切。 From 1978 to 2008, our country has undergone rapid changes in the past 30 years. During the past 30 years, the cause of reform and opening up, which is the greatest practice in human history, has been going on in our country. In the past 30 years, our country grew up into a fourth-largest economy in the world with the impoverishment of a country where the national economy was on the verge of collapse. People’s livelihood and development have received unprecedented respect and satisfaction. In just 30 years, our country has created a miracle that makes all the world come true: the average annual growth rate of gross national product is above 9.7%; the total volume of import and export business has increased nearly 100 times: the savings of urban and rural residents have increased by 700 times or more ... 30 years of time , Fleeting for a short time in human history, but these 30 years have changed the face of a nation and helped every Chinese people, including us, realize one dream after another. Every Chinese person has reason to be proud of this because we have seen that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is becoming a reality. Our secondary vocational students are not only witnesses to the cause of reform and opening up, but also enjoy the many achievements of the reform and opening up. At the same time, we will become participants in the cause of reform and opening up in the future. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up, the younger we should compare the past and the present, think about the hardships of reform and opening up, and cherish what is beautiful today.
黑尔默斯资料生日:1984年3月1日身高:184cm体重:81kg场上位置:前锋效力过的俱乐部赛季出场及进球锡根2003-05 51场进22球科隆2005-08 65场进35球勒沃库森2008至今7场进7球国
鲁迅的小说《祝福》是充满悲剧 意识的传世经典之作。改编这样一 部名著,多少是需要一点艺术审美 勇气的。曾经改编为电影剧本的夏 衍说过,他“虽没有‘讨好’的念头, 但是‘
经对制备的钨酸镉、钼酸镉和铬酸镉测定,它们的组成为CdWO_4·H_2O(白色)、CdMoO_4(白色),CdCrO_4·2H_4O(黄色)。应用差热分析法对这些物质的稳定性作了探讨。 本文用离子选
马泰奥·塔利亚里奥尔(意大利)男子重剑个人赛冠军。1983年出生。2007年世界击剑锦标赛上曾获男子重剑个人赛、男子重剑团体赛冠军。 Mateo Tagliario (Italy) Men’s Epee