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在过去的40多年里,人类在载人航天领域既经历了许多巨大成功的喜悦,也遭受了不少让人难以忍受的沉重打击。载人航天事业就是在这种鲜花、掌声与眼泪、鲜血的交替中逐步前进的,它为人类文明的发展与进步起到了强有力的推动作用。回首不平凡的人类航天史,最使人难忘的是那些载人航天的英雄们。尽管他们有的已经荣归故里,有的已经血染碧空,还有的仍然继续遗游太空,但他们那种人定胜天的大智大勇将永远留在人们的美好记忆中,激励着人类不断进取、不断奋斗,去克服前进道路上的一个又一个困难。在这些征服太空的英雄后面,有许多可歌可泣的感人故事。我们将陆续向小朋友们介绍他们鲜为人知的事迹。现在就让我们回到加加林当年的时空中,一起目睹一下这位太空飞人的风采吧。 Over the past 40 years or so, mankind has experienced many great successes in the field of manned space and suffered many unbearable hard blows. The manned space project is gradually moving forward with the exchange of flowers, applause, tears and blood. It has played a powerful role in promoting the development and progress of human civilization. Looking back on the extraordinary history of human spaceflight, the most memorable are the heroes who are manned. Although some of them have been proud of their hometown, some have been blooming, and some still continue to travel in space, their wise and brave people will always remain in the good memory of people and inspire mankind to keep making progress and keep fighting , To overcome one difficulty after another on the road to progress. Behind these heroes who conquer space there are many epic stories. We will introduce to children one after another their little-known stories. Now let us go back to Gagarin the year of space and time, witnessed the style of the space trapeze it.