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撤区并乡建镇工作,简称“撤并建”,在一些地方,一度成了社会舆论关注的焦点和人们茶余饭后闲谈的热门话题.并且在一定范围内还引起了不小的震荡。半年多来,人们对此仍然说长道短,褒贬不一,有人甚至持否定态度。笔者认为:实事求是,正视问题,坚持走完善之路才是明智之举。从新乡镇体制运转的情况看:一是减少了管理的中间环节,县(区、市)直接管理到乡镇,强化了县(区、市)政府行政管理的权威性,克服了层层发文件,层层开会等形式主义、官僚主义现象;二是还权于乡镇,消除了原派出机构“区公所”制约乡政府履行行政职能的因素,使乡镇政府在发展乡镇社会、政治、经济、文化中具有更大的自主性、权威性,成为一级真正的政权实体;三是可以逐步减少机构和人员,精干政权组织,提高工作效率;四是可以有效地减轻农民和财政负担;五是能集中财力综合利用各类 Withdrawal and township construction township work, referred to as “withdrawal and construction”, in some places, has become the focus of public opinion and people chatting after a hot topic, and also caused a lot of turmoil within a certain range. For more than half a year, people still talk long and short, mixed reviews, and some even hold a negative attitude. I think: seek truth from facts, face the problem, adhere to the path of perfection is a wise move. From the perspective of the operation of the system of Xinxiang Township, one is to reduce the intermediate links of management, and the counties (autonomous regions and municipalities directly administered to townships and towns reinforce the authority of county (district and city) government administration, The other is the formalism and bureaucratism of the meetings held at various levels; the second is that it also rests with the towns and villages and eliminates the factors that restrict the performance of the administrative functions of the township government by the “district office” of the original police station, so that the township governments in the development of township social, political, economic and cultural Has a greater autonomy and authority to become a real power entity; the third is to gradually reduce the number of institutions and personnel, capable regimes and improve work efficiency; Fourth, we can effectively reduce the burden on farmers and financial; Fifth, to focus Comprehensive utilization of various types of financial resources
在新形势下,大家都在谈论转变观念。联想到职工思想政治工作,有哪些观念,哪些工作方式、工作方法需要转变呢?我认为,以下几个问题,应引起关注。 一、要把思想政治工作以说教
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