Design of a personnel safety interlock system for proton therapy

来源 :核技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowin11
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Proton therapy is the most advanced radiotherapy approach in the world,and causes less damage to normal human tissue than traditional radiotherapy.Because the treatment process produces a high-energy proton beam,the personnel safety interlock system mainly considers measures to protect personnel from radiation hazards during beam preparation and the beam release process.Unlike other safety interlock systems,the personnel safety interlock system designed in this study focuses on the safety and stability of the system itself.The hardware and software of important interlock control loops are designed and developed according to the requirements of Safety Integrity Level 3 specified by IEC61508.A set of redundant ring networks was developed to ensure that damage to a certain network line does not affect the normal operation of the system.A set of friendly operation interfaces and data storage systems were developed to ensure that the operator can monitor the data in real time and trace the data.The personnel safety interlock system mainly includes a beam enabling function,clearance function,and emergency stop function.The system was put into actual use and successfully ensured personnel safety.
教学实践证明,重视情感目标指导,引导学生在主动学习探究中形成良好的学习意志和顽强的品质,更利于学生暴露学习思维,便于教师及时调整教学策略,帮助学生主动融入课堂,激发他们的学习内驱动力和活力。  1. 多让学生七嘴八舌,让他们有自由感  学生在课堂学习上希望获得更多的信任和尊重,获得更多的自由。在学生在课堂上尽情表达和主动展示,利于增强他们的自由感。给学生更多话语权和表达权,能使得他们的语言表达思维
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