有的同学问:“我学习很努力,每天花很多时间看书做作业,但学习成绩总是提不高,这是为什么呢?”学习,仅靠很努力和舍得花时间是远远不够的,学习也有方法和诀窍,会学习的人,事半功倍,不会学习的人,事倍功半。那怎样才是会学习呢? 主动求知会学的同学足学习的主人,他们往往走在教学进度的前面,努力做好每节课的预习。一般在上课的前一天,把课文内容先自学一遍,明确哪些懂了,哪些似懂非懂,哪些完全不明白。针对问题写些简单的笔记,上课时特别注意这些问题,重点理解。另外还能自觉地学习
Some students asked: “I study hard, spend a lot of time every day reading books and doing homework, but my academic performance is always low. Why is this?” Learning, it is not enough to rely on hard work and willingness to spend time. There are also ways and means to learn. People who will learn will do more with less. Those who do not learn will do less. Then how do we learn it? Actively seeking the knowledge of the students to learn the masters of the school, they tend to walk in front of the teaching progress, and strive to prepare for each lesson. Generally, the content of the lesson is self-learned on the day before class. It is clear which ones are understood, which ones are understood, and which ones are completely unclear. Write some simple notes on the questions. Pay special attention to these questions in class and focus on understanding. In addition, I can learn consciously