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游戏作为童年精神教育的主要体现,与学前幼儿的心理需求与情感体验相契合,与幼儿的兴趣培养与潜能开发密切相关,是学前教育的基础组成并发挥着重要的价值导向。本文主要针对游戏在学前教育的价值进行研究,以期更好地推动我国学前教育的建设步伐。随着素质教育改革的深入,学前教育作为教育的基础层面逐渐引起社会关注。学前教育面向的对象为入学前幼儿,其身心发展不成熟,也使得幼儿学前教育困难重重。如何突破既定的限制,实现幼儿学前热情的调动,实现儿童兴趣与 As the main manifestation of childhood spiritual education, the game, which is closely related to the psychological needs and emotional experience of preschool children, is closely related to the interest development and potential development of preschool children. It plays an important role in preschool education and plays an important value orientation. This article mainly studies the value of games in preschool education, with a view to better promote the pace of preschool education in our country. With the deepening of the reform of quality education, pre-school education as the basic level of education gradually aroused social concern. Preschool education is targeted at pre-school children, their immature physical and mental development, but also makes preschool education difficult. How to break through the established restrictions, realize the enthusiasm of children’s pre-school transfer, and realize the children’s interest
1 资料与方法1.1 病例选择 100例患者均为我院同期住院的慢性乙型肝炎患者、诊断符合1995年第5次全国传染病寄生虫病学术会议修订标准。随机分为两组:治疗组50例,男性44例,
不久前,北京市西城区针对职工队伍状况,进行了一次调查,调查内容涉及职工择业愿望,行业取向、收入状况等问题,现将调查结果分析如下: Not long ago, Xicheng District of B
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