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2006年,我国机床产值增速为37.3%,远高于全球9.34%的平均水平。今年一季度国内数控金属切削机床产量继续呈稳步增长态势,同比增长30.27%。特别值得欣喜的是,今年2月份机床行业利润总额更较上年同期翻了一番。据预计,在未来2~3年里,我国机床行业仍将保持25%~30%的增长速度。支持这种增速的是下游产业的巨大需求和国家政策扶持力度的加大。我国的产业发展顺序是依据“从轻到重” In 2006, the growth rate of machine tool production in China was 37.3%, much higher than the average of 9.34% in the world. In the first quarter of this year, the output of China’s CNC metal cutting machine tools continued to show a steady growth, an increase of 30.27%. Particularly delightful is that in February this year, the total profit of the machine tool industry more than doubled over the same period of last year. It is estimated that in the next 2 to 3 years, China’s machine tool industry will maintain a 25% to 30% growth rate. In support of this growth rate, the huge demand of downstream industries and the increase of national policy support. China’s industrial development order is based on “light to heavy ”
1.play on 在文中是“开(玩笑),愚弄,嘲弄”的意思例句:They played on me a rotten trick.他们跟我开了一个很讨厌的玩笑。介绍几个与 play 有关的词组play back 重新(录音
在孟子看来,每个人生来都有一颗赤诚的善心,都有善良的本性,都可以通过加强自身的道德修养,人皆可以为尧舜,实现品性升华,塑造出理想的道德人格。做一个真正的人的三原则 In
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The line of chil-dren stood chattering(喋喋不体)loudly outside aclassroom.The talkceased(终止)abruptlywhen a woman ofaround fifty stormedout of the room with a