继往开来 齐心协力再创辉煌新纪元——本刊专访河南鞋城皮革集团

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专访牛皮大王——河南鞋城皮革集团的缔造者崔庆义董事长已足本刊许久的计划,但因多种原因未能早日实现。就在本刊于今年年初准备成行之时,却惊闻崔庆义先生突然病故的噩耗,因此这个许久的愿望被搁置了起来。如今,新董事长崔明杰先生走马上任,带领全集团公司4000多名员工继承先业,辛勤经营已有半年多时间了,此间业内人士对鞋城皮革集团的关注也比以往更强烈了。鞋城皮革集团在失去了老董事长后目前的运营状况如何?是否依旧坐在中国牛皮制革业的头把交椅上?鞋城未来的发展前景究竟怎样……带着同样的关注,记者走进了河南鞋城皮革集团,采访了现任董事长崔明杰和副总经理孟庆章先生。 Interview with the cowhide king, chairman of Henan Leather City Leather Group Co., Ltd. Chairman Cui Qingyi has been enough for this long-term project, but failed to achieve it early for various reasons. At the beginning of this year’s preparation for the publication of this magazine, I was shocked by the terrible news of Mr. Cui Qingyi’s sudden illness. Therefore, this long-cherished wish was shelved. Today, the new chairman, Mr. Cui Mingjie, took the immediate post and led the company’s more than 4,000 employees to inherit the industry first. It has been operating for more than half a year, and the industry’s attention to the shoe city leather group is stronger than ever before. What is the current operating status of Shoe City Leather Group after losing its old chairman? Is it still sitting in the top spot of China’s leather tanning industry? What are the prospects for the future development of Shoe City? With the same attention, the reporter walked in. Henan Xiecheng Leather Group interviewed the current chairman Cui Mingjie and deputy general manager Meng Qingzhang.
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