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我要向此次政府委員會報台的第一個問題,是關於財政方面的狀況。去年十二月二日第四次中央人民政府委員會會議通過一九五○年國家財政概算之後,四個月來,國家的財政情況已有好轉。秋徵公粮百分之七十多已經入倉,除西南地區,因解放較遲正在徵收外,全國各地已經最大部分徵齊。去年解放較早的地區,稅收亦在逐步增加。今年第一期公債,截至目前止,巳實收百分之七十一。目前公教人員的编制正布製定,全國軍政公教人員的總數,尚未超過概算所列的數字,並且還可能酌量減少。四個月來,中央人民政府有關財經各部門開過許多專業會議,進一步規定了今年度業務和財務計劃。四個月來,國家的財政收入一部分已經確置收到,而且收入方面,因為西南已經解放,比去年十二月財政概算歲入所列 The first question that I am going to aide to this government committee is about the financial situation. In the four months since the fourth national central government committee meeting passed the budget for the state budget in December 1950, the state’s financial situation has been improved. More than seventy percent of the grains collected in the autumn have been warehousing. Except for the southwestern region, which is being levied later due to the liberation, the largest part of the country has been collected. In the areas where liberation was earlier last year, the tax revenue is also gradually increasing. The first tranche of this year’s public debt, as of now, has already been reduced by 71%. At present, the preparation of public education personnel is being formulated. The total number of military and civilian officials in the country has not exceeded the figures as set out in the budget estimates and may be reduced at discretion. In the past four months, the Central People’s Government has held many professional meetings with various financial and economic departments and further stipulated the annual business and financial plans for the year. In the past four months, part of the state’s revenue has been earmarked, and in terms of income, the southwest has been liberated from the fiscal revenue estimates of December last year
  目的 研究信息化对健康管理机构组织行为产生的影响;方法 本文分别从个体、群体、组织三个层面,分析了信息化后,健康管理机构管理行为与工作方式的改变;研究了信息化过程中非
  目的 调查西安市区体检者骨量减少及骨质疏松患病率,分析其变化规律,为骨质疏松防治提供依据。方法 采用以色列毕美特生产的SUNLIGHT7000成人型超声骨强度仪;对2013年我院体
  目的 进一步了解脑缺血与血脂、胰岛素抵抗、同型半胱氨酸之间的关系。方法 对5500例高端体检人群统计,分为脑缺血组2666例,非脑缺血组2834例,通过二元Logistic回归分析,对2
  目的 将健康管理的思想成功应用到体检工作中去,全方位的促进亚健康状况的改善或逐步过渡到健康状态。方法 通过体检信息系统的升级的方法,能够用健康管理的思想来弥补传统
  目的 研究高糖对人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVECs)中HMGA1mRNA和蛋白表达的影响,并探讨其相关机制,为进一步探索糖尿病血管并发症的发病机制及防治策略提供新思路。方法 以体外培