
来源 :云南教育·视界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luishifei
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本刊讯2005年12月8日,墨江民族中学一片欢歌笑语,由企业家吴建国捐资100万授建的“建国楼”正式投入使用,该楼集理、化、生实验室、电教室为一体。为墨江县实施高、初中分离,扩大高中办学规模,巩固提高“普九”成果提供了物质支持,该楼落成,实现了当年投资、当年使用。 On December 8, 2005, the Mojiang National High School was greeted with laughter and laughter. The Jianguo Building, which was donated by the entrepreneur Wu Jianguo and donated RMB 1 million, was formally put into use. The building’s collection, chemistry, and laboratories and classrooms were integrated into one. . It provided material support for the implementation of high and junior high school separation in Mojiang County, expansion of the scale of high school education, and consolidation and improvement of the “universal nine” achievements. The building was completed and the investment in the current year and the year of use were realized.
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