2005年全国高考数学命题坚持“三个有助于”的原则,在充分考查学生“三基” (基础知识、基本技能、基本方法)的基础上,加强了对考生综合能力、运算能力、分析问题和解决问题能力的考查。试题类型多样化,能力型题目占有较大的比例。纵观考生的答题情况,可以看出一些考生失分的共性问题,下面是对这些问题的分析,以期对2006年的高考考生有启示作用。
In 2005, the national college entrance examination mathematics proposition adhered to the principle of “three benefits.” Based on a full examination of students’ “three basics” (basic knowledge, basic skills, and basic methods), the comprehensive ability, arithmetic ability, and analysis of candidates were strengthened. Question and problem solving skills. The types of questions are diversified, and competence-type questions occupy a large proportion. Looking at the candidate’s answer, you can see some of the common problems of the scores of the candidates. The following is an analysis of these problems, in order to have an enlightening effect on the 2006 college entrance examination candidates.