新的探索 好的尝试——简评’96高考历史47题

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’96高考历史第47题题目是这样的:概括指出并结合史实简要说明唐朝文化灿烂辉煌的原因、唐文化的特点和历史地位。(注意:不要全面罗列唐文化的成就,而要从中作出概括并用史实说明。文字表达应语意准确、条理清楚。)这是一道中古史的问答题,占全卷十分之一强的比分。此题体现了命题的新探索,评分的好尝试。 一、命题的新探索 命题的新探索,“新”表现在几个方面:其一,命题大胆依托教材又不拘泥于教材甚至略高于教材;考查了教材的重、难点,又不强求于教材的文字表述。其二,试题跨度较小。但概括不易。虽考查唐朝文化,但唐朝的政治、经济和对外关系等无不涉及,显示了试题的深度和概括的难度。其三,考查精选、归纳和概括的能力且具有相当的力度。试题善选“切口”在唐文化灿烂辉煌的“原因”、“特点”、和“历史地位”处设问。原因和特点是散见和隐含于教材之中而教材不曾集中叙述,需要考生去提炼、归纳和概括。即便是“历史地位”,试题要求阐述的也决不像教材上的大段论述,也需要一番浓缩和凝炼的功夫。试题对能力的考查分两个层次。第一个层次,要求对唐文化灿烂辉煌的原因、特点和历史地位作出“概括”。这要求考生不仅要熟悉唐朝的文化,还要能用历史唯物主义的原理为指导,把 The title of the 47th title of the history of the 96th college entrance examination is as follows: Summarize and combine historical facts to briefly explain the reasons for the splendid Tang Dynasty culture, the characteristics and historical status of the Tang culture. (Note: Do not list the achievements of Tang culture in a comprehensive way, but make an overview and use historical facts. The written expression should be semantically accurate and clear.) This is a quiz question of medieval history, which accounts for one-tenth of the score of the entire volume. This question reflects the new exploration of the proposition, a good attempt to score. First, the new exploration of propositions and new exploration propositions, “new” in several ways: First, the proposition boldly rely on teaching materials and not rigidly adhere to the teaching materials or even slightly higher than the teaching materials; examination of the teaching material of the heavy and difficult, but not strong demand in The textual description of the textbook. Second, the test span is small. But it is not easy to summarize. Although the Tang dynasty culture was examined, the political, economic, and external relations of the Tang dynasty were all involved, showing the depth of the questions and the difficulty of generalization. Third, examine the ability to select, summarize and summarize and have considerable strength. The examination questions are good selection of “incisions” in Tang’s splendid “reason”, “characteristics”, and “historical status”. The reasons and characteristics are scattered and implicit in the teaching materials and the teaching materials have never been described in a centralized manner. They need to be refined, summarized and summarized. Even if it is “historical status,” the questions required to be elaborated are not like the large paragraphs on the teaching materials, but also need some concentration and refinement. Test questions are divided into two levels. The first level requires the “generalization” of the splendid reasons, characteristics, and historical status of Tang culture. This requires candidates not only to be familiar with the culture of the Tang Dynasty, but also to use the principles of historical materialism as guidance.
一、选择题 1.进行淀粉水解实验(包括检验水解产物及水解是否完全)除淀粉外,还使用下列试剂或其中的一部分①碘水,②银氨溶液,③NaOH溶液,④稀硫酸,⑤PH试纸。使用上述试剂
观察下列句子,注意冠词的不同用法。 1a.You’ve missed out____“n”here. b.There is____“w”in the word“answer”. 2a.Mary has____uncle. b.Mary is____university s
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