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受全球金融海啸影响,中国艺术品拍卖市场难以独善其身,也进入了大势下的调整期,呈现出成交额和成交率双双下降的调整态势。但中国书画尤其是中国近现代书画抗跌性强,成为市场的中流砥柱。这是我刊在上期的秋拍专题中,通过对11月份中国嘉德、北京华辰和北京诚轩等重要的艺术品拍卖公司秋拍数据的整理分析,而得出的结论。12月份以来,北京保利、北京翰海、北京荣宝、匡时国际和上海的朵云轩以及杭州的西泠拍卖展开了第二轮秋拍。在第二轮秋拍中,尽管各拍卖公司仍是呈现出量价齐降态势,但是,局面已经比第一轮秋拍时要活跃。除了中国近现代书画在牛年到来之前,就为市场带来了些许“牛气”之外,最突出的表现就是第二轮秋拍中,亮点增多,不仅每家拍卖公司都有高价精品出现,而且还出现了专场的百分百成交。在市场艰难之时.尤为难得。同时,我们通过对第二轮秋拍中各家公司拍卖成交价格进行深入地分析看到,高价位和低价位拍品成交活跃,中高价位拍品问津者寥寥,拍品成交价位的重心在下移,50万元以下是拍品成交价格的密集区。低价位运行对拍卖市场意味着什么呢?是否意味着大机构收藏群体的离场呢?是否意味着今后2—3年里中小规模藏家和投资者将成为市场的主导呢?低价位拍品的流行会不会又出现04、05年鱼珠混杂的局面呢?这都是08秋拍留给我们思考的问题。08秋拍进入尾声,我们的秋拍专题到这期也将结束。但关于08秋拍的话题不会结束。也许,市场是我们很难把握的.但,诚信——拍卖企业立足于市场的根基,是要我们的拍卖企业好好把握的。 Affected by the global financial tsunami, the Chinese art auction market was hard to excel. It also entered a period of adjustment under the trend of the general trend and showed a downward trend in the turnover and transaction rates. However, Chinese calligraphy and painting, especially the resistance of modern Chinese calligraphy and painting, has become the mainstay of the market. This is the conclusion I came across in the last issue of Autumn Auction through the compilation and analysis of autumn auction data of important art auction houses in China such as China Guardian, Beijing Huachen and Beijing Cheng Xuan in November. Since December, the second round of autumn auction has taken place in Beijing Poly, Beijing Hanhai, Beijing Rongbao, Marina International and Shanghai Duoyunxuan and Hangzhou’s Xiling. In the second round of autumn auctions, although the auction houses still showed a downward trend, the situation has been more active than the autumn auction of the first round. In addition to the modern Chinese painting and calligraphy before the arrival of the New Year, brought a little to the market, “bullish”, the most prominent performance is the second round of autumn auctions, highlights increased, not only each auction company has high-priced products Appear, but also appeared in a hundred percent full transaction. When the market is tough, it’s especially rare. At the same time, we conducted an in-depth analysis on the auction prices of various companies in the second round of autumn auctions. As the prices of high-priced and low-priced auctioned goods were very active, the prices of middle- The following is a lot of auction price of the intensive area. What does it mean for low-priced auctions to mean the auction market? Does it mean the departure of large institutional collectibles? Does this mean that small and medium-sized collectors and investors will become market leaders in the next two to three years? The popularity of the auction will appear 04,05 mixed situation fish ball it? This is the autumn 2008 left us to think about the problem. 08 autumn auction into the end, our autumn auction theme will end this period. But on the 08 autumn auction topic does not end. Perhaps, the market is difficult for us to grasp.However, the integrity - based on the auction business based on the market, is to our auction companies a good grasp.
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