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目的:比较产地加工与炮制一体化加工与传统方式加工苦参饮片的抗炎与解热作用。方法:采用二甲苯致小鼠耳肿胀试验,观察2种苦参饮片水提物的抗炎消肿作用;采用酵母致热大鼠模型,比较2种苦参饮片水提物的解热作用。结果:与空白组比较,2种苦参饮片水提物均可降低小鼠耳肿胀度,但以一体化加工苦参饮片的抗炎消肿作用更为显著,各剂量组抑制率均>40%。一体化加工苦参饮片3个剂量均能降低发热大鼠体温,且作用时间可持续4 h,解热作用优于传统加工的苦参饮片。一体化加工苦参饮片中槐果碱、苦参碱、氧化槐果碱、槐定碱及氧化苦参碱等5种主要有效成分的含量均高于传统方式加工的苦参饮片,其总量约为传统苦参饮片的1.3倍。结论:一体化加工与传统加工方式生产的苦参饮片在抗炎及解热等主要功效方面具有较好的相似性,而且一体化加工方式从源头规范了苦参的饮片生产,在确保饮片质量的前提下缩短了生产周期,是一种值得推广应用的中药饮片生产模式。 OBJECTIVE: To compare the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects of the processed and processed whole-processing of traditional Chinese medicines and the processing of kushencini slices. Methods: Xylene-induced ear swelling in mice was used to observe the anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling effects of two Kushen Decoction extracts. The pyrogenic effect of two Kushen Decoction extracts was compared using a rat model induced by yeast. Results: Compared with the blank group, both Kushen Decoction water extract can reduce ear swelling in mice, but the anti-inflammatory and swelling of the integrated processing of Kushen Decoction more significant, the inhibition rate of each dose group were> 40 %. The integrated processing of Sophora flavescens tablets 3 doses can reduce the body temperature of rats with fever, and the role of sustainable 4 h, antipyretic effect than the traditional processing of kushen Pieces. The content of 5 major active components of Sophora flavescens, matrine, oxysophocarpine, sophoridine and oxymatrine in the integrated processing of Sophora flavescens tablets were all higher than that of the kushencidend pieces processed by the traditional method. The total amount About 1.3 times the traditional bitter ginseng slices. Conclusion: The kushenpian slices produced by integrated processing and traditional processing methods have good similarities in anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic effects, etc., and the integrated processing method standardizes the production of kosher slices from the source, Under the premise of shortening the production cycle, is a worthy of promotion of Chinese Herbal Pieces production model.
<正> 提高经济效益,是国民经济管理工作的出发点和归宿。经济效益指的什么?怎样评价经济效益?具体地说。如果一个企业盈利了,能不能肯定经济效益就提高了?对于这一问题。笔者
<正> 据说,有位外商在深圳特区办企业,招聘员工时,采取面对面谈话形式,全面了解应聘人员的情况,不苛求年龄,不讲究相貌,因人而异,量材录用,很快就在特区内招到一批合适的员工
<正> 改革在向企业提供动力刺激系统的同时也在不断地完善企业约束系统。约束是内外部相关的元素变量对经济主体或行为人实现其利益目标的意向或行为的牵制、逆动和调节。约
当一个社会有了大规模生产的可能 和大量消费的社会需求时,流通领域中连锁经营的优越性就显示出来了,美国,欧洲和日本的商业发展已证明了这一点,半个世纪以来,在这些经济发达国家
<正> 周恩来同志有这样一段话:“毛泽东同志领导中国革命战争,在战略领导上抓得很紧,在战役组织和战术的运用上就交给下面去办,因为他们最了解具体情况,只有充分发挥干部和群