
来源 :人生十六七 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyancuiceo
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一首清脆的乐曲在教室骤然响起,正上课的老师和同学的眼睛顿时都去搜索那不速之声。某位同学此刻正红着脸忙乱地关机。随着手机生产技术的进步,彩屏、和弦、摄像头。一个又一个流行元素加入到手机中来。中秋节时,小明收到了许多来自同学们的祝福短信,他还把自己的手机自拍照通过彩信发给了远在外省的舅舅。手机还能“玩”出不少花样来:短信聊天,打游戏,下载彩铃,下载电影,甚至考试作弊。手机作为一种时尚移动通讯产品,不仅承担着移动通讯的任务,还具备娱乐、装饰等功能,这必然会引起同学们的兴趣。目前,校园手机族队伍越来越庞大,那么,对待手机的态度该是怎么样的,怎样才能让手机更好的为同学们服务?就请快快到“人生十六七论坛”里来灌水吧! A piece of crisp music suddenly sounded in the classroom, and the eyes of the teachers and classmates in class immediately searched for the noise. A classmate was blushing at the moment and turned off. With the advancement of mobile phone production technology, color screens, chords, and cameras. One after another pop elements are added to the phone. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xiao Ming received a lot of blessing messages from his classmates. He also sent his mobile phone self-photograph to Ms. Yuan, who was far away from other provinces, through MMS. Mobile phones can also play “” a lot of tricks: SMS chat, play games, download ringtones, download movies, and even cheating in exams. As a fashionable mobile communication product, the mobile phone not only undertakes the task of mobile communication, but also has functions such as entertainment and decoration. This will inevitably cause students’ interest. At present, the campus mobile phone team is getting bigger and bigger. So what’s the attitude towards the mobile phone? How can we make the mobile phone better serve the students? Please come quickly to the “16th Forum of Life”. Irrigation!
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