
来源 :麦类作物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhenmafanwokao
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大麦黄矮病毒(BYDV)病是小粒谷类作物的一种重要病害。作者对经过改良轮回选择后的冬小麦群体的BYDV耐性进行了评价。利用化学杀雄剂(CHA)以促进基因重组,选择在病毒压力下产籽量较高的耐病基因型。选择17个耐BYDV的亲本进行部分双列杂交,从每个F1植株上收取等量种子组成原始群体。从F1植株上混收的种子在田间播若干行,母本行喷化学杀雄剂(RH-0007或MON21200)并接种BYDV-PAV-IL。从母本行收取种子。研究目的是确定:在各选择周期BYDV耐性是否会增强;选择是否会影响株高和抽穗期;环境效应是否大于症状表现的基因型效应。为了进行鉴定,将原始亲本和来自第2、3、4轮选择的S2:3系进行重复试验。在各选择周期中,早期和晚期鉴定的接种穴病情分级以及接种穴产量未出现稳定的选择进展。在S2:3系中,矮化作用从亲本的6.0%降低到周期3的0.8%。与周期2相比,周期4中平均抽穗期延迟大约2d。本改良轮回选择法在提高小麦对BYDV的耐性水平方面是无效的,这也许是由于亲本的遗传变异有限所致,也许是因为间接选择的基础是病害压力下的产籽量而不是BYDV症状的缘故。 Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) disease is an important disease in small grain cereals. The authors evaluated the BYDV tolerance of winter wheat populations after improved cycling options. The use of chemical maleicide (CHA) to promote gene recombination, select the virus-resistant seed yield higher resistance genotype. Seventeen BYDV-tolerant parents were selected for partial double-crosses, and an equal number of seeds from each F1 plant were used to make the original population. Seeds collected from the F1 plants were sowed in the field for several runs, and female males were sprayed with chemical maleicide (RH-0007 or MON21200) and vaccinated with BYDV-PAV-IL. Collect seeds from the parent bank. The goal of the study was to determine if BYDV tolerance would be enhanced at each selection cycle; whether selection affected plant height and heading date; and whether the environmental effect was greater than the genotype effect of symptom presentation. For identification, the original parent and the S2: 3 line from the 2nd, 3rd, 4th wheel selection were repeated. In the selection cycle, early and late identification of vaccination points grading and inoculation point yield no stable choice of progress. In the S2: 3 line, the dwarfing effect was reduced from 6.0% of the parent to 0.8% of the cycle 3. Compared to cycle 2, the average heading stage in cycle 4 is delayed by about 2 days. This improved recurrent selection method is ineffective in increasing the level of BYDV resistance in wheat, perhaps due to the limited genetic variation in the parents, perhaps because indirect selection is based on seed yield under disease stress rather than on BYDV symptoms reason.
该文研究了由亚硝酸胍诱变处理和多烯类抗菌素两性霉素B筛选的植物病原真菌玉米黑粉菌(Ustilago maydis)抗药突变体Erg40和采用RIP方法紫外光照射诱变的粗糙脉胞菌(Neurospor
摘 要本研究从分析来自云南省西双版纳香荚兰种植区不同标样中微生物类群及其与造成香荚兰毁园的根腐病和萎蔫病的相关性入手,依照不同的生防机理,通过皿内离体及幼苗活体实
单嘧磺隆是中国自行创制的磺酰脲类除草剂.利用熔点、红外光谱、核磁共振谱、质谱和紫外吸收光谱及HPLC-MS对单嘧磺隆原药的定性鉴定结果表明,单嘧磺隆原药的有效成 分为N-[2
我国中药材资源居世界之首,远在数千年之前,我们的祖 先就利用它防病治病。发展到现在已有相当一部分 被转化利用到饮料、副食、调味品等行业中去,用途 越来越广。一些野生