
来源 :湖南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kinganguo
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一年來,我省在組織烈屬、軍属、革命殘廢軍人和復員建設軍人參加互助合作生產方面,已取得了很大成績。烈屬、軍屬等參加互助合作的戶數已有顯著增長,據常德專區五十个鄉的統計,組织面已达百分之七十五;衡陽專區一八九個鄉統計,組織面亦有百分之六十六,估計全省烈屬、軍屬中已有百分之六十左右的戶參加了互助合作組織。他們入組、入社以後,生產更為積極,收入有所增加,生活得到改善,其中不少人还成了互助合作組織的骨幹。目前尚有百分之四十左右的烈屬、軍屬未參加互助合作組織,其原因:除了各地互助合作運動發展不平衡以及某些烈、軍屬存在思想顧慮以外,主要是由於部分貧苦烈、軍屬缺乏勞動力和生產資料的困難,未得到解决。在已參加的戶中,也有一部分在生產上還存在着困難;加之某些地區又放鬆 In the past year, great achievements have been made in our province in organizing the work of mutual assistance and cooperation in the organization of martyrs, militaries, revolutionary disabled soldiers and demobilized soldiers. Lieutenant-Colonel and other military dependents to participate in mutual cooperation has been a significant increase in the number of households, according to Changde Prefecture 50 townships statistics, the organization has reached 75%; Hengyang area 189 townships statistics, there are hundreds of organizations Sixty-six, it is estimated that about 60% of households in the province’s martyrs and military families have joined the mutual aid and cooperation organizations. After they joined the group and joined the community, their production was more positive, their income increased and their life improved. Many of them also became the backbone of the mutual aid and cooperation organizations. At present, about 40% of the martyrs are not participating in the Mutual Assistance Cooperation Organization. The reasons are as follows: Except for the unbalanced development of the mutual aid and cooperation movement in various places and the ideological concerns of some strong armies and militaries, it is mainly due to the fact that some of the poor are fierce and the military family lacks The difficulties of labor and means of production have not been solved. Some of the households that have participated are still having difficulties in their production. In addition, some areas are relaxed
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