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本刊从1982年第五期起,每期都刊登了有关质量事故的教训和分析文章,并配发了评论,引起了许多单位和部门的重视。但是,随着城乡建设事业的蓬勃发展,设计、施工的技术力量严重不足,管理方面也有不少漏洞,加上有些同志对工程质量问题仍不够重视,因此,倒塌事故仍时有发生。针对这种情况,有关部门采取了许多措施,包括实行政府对建筑工程质量的监督,除此以外,还要提高队伍的技术素质,并通过宣传,使各级领导和广大职工都牢固树立质量第一的观点。为此,本刊将继续不断地介绍这方面的教训以及防治的经验,警钟长鸣,以期提高大家的警惕性。也希望广大读者把您所掌握的事故教训或防治经验,提供给我们。城乡建设环境保护部建筑管理局胡新六同志,收集了220个事故实例,并进行了归纳分析,从中找到了一些规律性的东西。其中有些实例,我们已经刊登过。为进一步引起有关部门的重视,我们选登汪达尊同志对这220个事故的原因分析,希望各单位引以为戒。文章从设计、施工、使用三个方面进行了分析。本期先介绍设计方面的原因,下期再登施工和使用方面的原因。编 者 From the fifth issue of 1982, the journal published lessons and analysis articles on quality accidents, and issued comments, which attracted the attention of many units and departments. However, with the vigorous development of urban and rural construction, the technical strength of design and construction is seriously insufficient, and there are also many loopholes in the management. In addition, some comrades still do not pay enough attention to the quality of the project. Therefore, collapses still occur from time to time. In response to this situation, the relevant departments have taken many measures, including implementing the government’s supervision over the quality of construction projects, and in addition to this, they must also improve the technical quality of the team and, through publicity, ensure that the leaders at all levels and the broad masses of staff are firmly committed to quality. A point of view. To this end, the journal will continue to introduce the lessons learned in this area and the experience of prevention and control. The alarm bells are clamoring to increase everyone’s vigilance. We also hope that readers will provide us with the lessons learned from accidents or prevention and control experience. The Ministry of Urban-Rural Construction and Environmental Protection Department Construction Administration Comrade Hu Xinliu collected 220 examples of accidents and conducted inductive analysis to find some regularities. Some of these examples we have published. In order to further arouse the attention of the relevant departments, we chose Dengda Wangzun’s analysis of the causes of the 220 accidents and hoped that all units would take warnings. The article analyzes three aspects of design, construction and use. In this issue, the reasons for the design are introduced first, and the reasons for construction and use in the next period are listed. Editor
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