From 1971 to 1980, the authors observed 28 children with benign non-epithelial neoplasms and other nodular lesions ranging in age from 5 months to 14 years, most of whom also received 50 cases of throat papillary during the same period over the age of 5 years. Tumor children. The majority of patients (22 cases) were vocal nodal nodules. Among them, 14 cases (8 boys and 6 girls) aged from 5 to 12 years old were diagnosed as “screaming summary”, and 10 cases were bilateral. In 4 cases, they were all located in the typical part of the vocal cords. Half of the symptoms of hoarseness exceed 2 years. Eight patients underwent microscopic laryngoscopy to remove nodules under general anesthesia recommended in recent years. Histological findings diagnosed as keratoses, fibroids, and localized epithelial hyperplasia. The other 8 children aged 7 to 14 years showed a