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1、实现档案管理现代化,是我国社会主义市场经济发展的必由之路档案工作是党和国家事业的重要组成部分, 进入二十一世纪,我国现代化建设飞速发展,在世界地位不断提高。在赶超世界先进水平的进程中,需要利用各方面档案材料,档案工作始终为社会的政治、经济、文化、科学等方面提供服务,为社会主义经济建设服务。要赶超、借鉴, 就要有充分的国际、国内动态档案材料作为前提,充分了解过去和现在,为今后的发展方向和赶超目标制定方案和改革措施,这就要参照以往的档案材料做出全面规划和部署,使社会主义经济建设朝着远大目标蓬勃向前发展。要使档案管理工作能与社会主义四个现代化建设相适应,与市场经济接轨,为党和国家各项工作服务,就要求档案工作能迅速、准确、全面、系统地提供所需要的档案材料,而以往传统的管理方法和手段则无法满足现代信息社会发展的需要,这就要运用科学管理的方法,采用现代化的手段,实现档案管理现代化,才能提供全方位服务,需要什么档案材料就能通过网络查询,做到及时、准确、快速,满足社会主义经济建设的需要。 1. Realizing the modernization of archives management is the only way for the development of the socialist market economy in our country Archival work is an important part of the cause of the party and the state. In the 21st century, China’s modernization has been developing rapidly and its status in the world has been constantly improving. In the process of surpassing the advanced world level, we need to make use of archival materials in all fields. Archival work has always provided services in the political, economic, cultural and scientific fields to serve the socialist economic construction. To catch up with and learn from it, we must have sufficient domestic and international dynamic archival materials as a precondition, fully understand the past and present, and formulate plans and reform measures for the future direction of development and the goal of catching up. This must be done according to the previous archival materials A comprehensive plan and deployment so that the socialist economy will flourish toward its ambitious goal. To make archives management work in line with the four modernizations of socialism and with the market economy so as to serve the party and the country’s work, it is required that archival work can provide the required archival materials promptly, accurately, comprehensively and systematically, However, the traditional management methods and means can not meet the needs of the development of modern information society. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the method of scientific management, adopt modern means and modernize the management of archives so as to provide a full range of services and what kind of archives can be passed Network inquiries, so that timely, accurate and rapid, to meet the needs of socialist economic development.
According to Shanghai Apparel Association, apparel retail sales volume in Shanghai top 10 department stores rose slightly in Jul. 2011, increasing by about 4.8
由全球公共关系及沟通管理联盟指导,中国新闻史学会公共关系分会与中国公共关系网共同主办的2016金旗奖启动仪式暨第二届公共关系创新发展论坛日前在京举办。  PRSC会长、华中科技大学新闻与信息传播学院副院长、教授陈先红,奥美红坊创意总监赵阳,湖南卫视天娱传媒副总裁、首席文化官赵晖,台湾/台北市国际公共关系协会理事长、朋百沟通国际有限公司总经理黄玲忆,庄凌控股创始合伙人林晨,迪思传媒总裁黄小川,伟达公
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