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河南省宁陵县东南十里許的馬油坊付是一个八十户的回民村。解放前这里的回民有三十户經常在外逃荒要飯,三十四户卖蒸馍包子,七户宰牛羊兼种少量土地,九户种地。全付只喂了几头小驢,絕大多数的土地不(?)不耙,不族肥,无水灌溉,小麦产量只有四十五斤至七十斤。人們每天只吃两顿或一頓飯,冬季有五十人穿不上棉褲。全村沒有識字的,写信得到别村去求人。一眼望去,光秃禿的很少見树,只有一片破烂不堪、东倒西歪的破草房,荒凉得很。解放后回族人民重见了光明,远离家乡出外逃荒的人也陆续的回到故乡。土改中他們分得了土地、牲畜和农具,开始建設自己的新生活。解放初期人民政府撥給該村农貸款二千五百元、少数民族生产补助金一千五百元。土改后成立互助组,1955年全村建立了三个初級社,产量逐年提高。公社化后全村成立了一个生产大队,在党的总路綫的光辉照耀下,充分发挥着人民公社的威力。大跃进的1958年中,这个生产大队和邻近的三个汉民村搞大协作,日夜奋战兴修水利,筑成了两条支渠、六条陡渠、五十条毛渠,全付 Ningling County, Henan Province, ten miles south-east pay horse oil Square is an eighty Hui Village. Before the liberation, there were thirty Muslims who often fleeing unwarranted rice, thirty-four households selling steamed buns, and seven households slaughtering cattle and sheep with a small amount of land and nine households. Only a few donkeys were fed at full cost. Most of the land did not (?) Not rake, no family fat, and no water was irrigated. The output of wheat was only 45 to 70 kilograms. People eat only two meals or one meal a day, and fifty people can not wear cotton trousers in winter. The village is not literate, write to get the village to seek people. At first glance, bare tree is rare, only a dilapidated, crooked house breaking grass, very desolate. After the liberation of Hui people see the light again, far away from home to flee shortage of people have gradually returned to their hometown. In the land reform, they got their land, livestock and tools and started building their own new life. In the early days of the liberation, the people’s government allocated 2,500 yuan of loans to the village peasants and 1,500 yuan of subsidies for the production of ethnic minorities. After the land reform, a mutual aid group was set up. In 1955, three primary communities were established in the village, and their output increased year by year. After the commune was established, a production brigade was established in the village, giving full play to the power of the people’s commune under the brilliant shine of the party’s general line. In 1958, during the Great Leap Forward, the production brigade engaged in great cooperation with the neighboring three Hanmin villages and worked day and night to build water conservancy. It built two branch channels, six steep channels, fifty furrows,