牛奔的名字很有趣。两个字由四个牛拼成,意为牛跑得很快。牛奔是位孤儿,小时候叫张景学,家贫命苦,流浪街头。是著名电影导演谢添这位好心人,把他拉到了水银灯下吃上了电影饭。后来牛奔在白杨、谢添主演的影片《圣城记》中当“小牛子”,把这个人物演得活灵活现。 为此,谢老为他改艺名为牛奔。当年活泼的“小牛子”,如今已是“老黄牛”了。 牛奔拍摄的影视片真多。他以拍喜剧为主,以演配角见长。表演风格质朴自然,人物性格突出鲜明。特别是经他的精湛表演,小的角色也能演出大亮点。主演影片《牧马人》中郭(口扁)子,心直口快,敢恨敢爱,为许灵均和李秀芝牵线搭桥,组成了美满的家庭。至今影片中许多有趣的细节还在大家的脑际回映。郭(口扁)子语出幽默,动作奇特,满身都是可爱之处,言行之中散发着泥土的芳香。在第三届电影金鸡奖和第六届电影百花奖的领奖台上,“郭(口扁)子”捧起了最佳男配角
Niu Ben’s name is very interesting. The two words made up of four cattle, meaning that the cattle ran very fast. Niu Ben is an orphan, Zhang called childhood learning, poor family life, wandering the streets. Is a well-known movie director Xie Tian good man, pulled him under the mercury lamp to eat movie rice. Niu Ben ran in the poplar, Xie Tian starred in the movie “Holy City” as “calf”, the figure played vivid. To this end, Xie old for his change of art called Niu Ben. Lively “calf”, is now the “old ox”. Niu Ben shot video really much. He made a comedy-based, acting-long role. The performance style is simple and natural, and the character is outstanding. Especially with his superb performance, small characters can perform great highlights. Starring the film “Wrangler” in Guo (mouth flat) child, heart straight mouth, dare to love, for Xu Ling and Li Xiuzhi matchmaking, formed a happy family. So far many interesting details in the movie is still everyone’s brain. Guo (mouth flat) sub-humor out of words, action peculiar, covered with cute place, words and deeds exudes the fragrance of the soil. In the third session of the Golden Rooster Award and the sixth film Hundred Flowers Awards podium, “Guo (mouth flat) son” won the best supporting actor