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随着我国社会主义法制的不断健全和完善,行政立法和行政执法工作在社会主义法制建设中的地位日益突出。如何适应这一发展趋势,加强行政执法监督,是摆在各级人大面前的一项重大课题。本文从宏观角度对行政执法监督工作中的几个问题谈些看法。一、在指导思想上,要把行政执法监督摆在人大监督工作的重要地位。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和社会主义法制的不断健全,国家的政治、经济生活和社会管理逐步纳入法制轨道,行政立法在我国法律体系中,地位越来越突出,行政机关的执法任务也越来越重。据统计,我国目前有百分之八十的法律有赖于行政机关执行,几乎每一个行政部门都担负着若干项法律、法规的执行任务。因此,行政机关能否严格执法,直接关系到我国绝大多数的法律、法规能否得到有效实施。从行政执法的现状来看,尽管各级政府对行政执法给予了高度 With the continuous improvement and perfection of the socialist legal system in our country, the status of administrative legislation and administrative law enforcement in the building of a socialist legal system has become increasingly prominent. How to adapt to this trend of development and stepping up the supervision of administrative law enforcement are major issues before all levels of people’s congresses. This article discusses some issues in the supervision of administrative law enforcement from a macro perspective. First, in guiding ideology, we must put the supervision of administrative law enforcement into the important position of oversight work of the NPC. With the establishment of China’s socialist market economic system and the continuous improvement of the socialist legal system, the country’s political and economic life and social management have gradually been incorporated into the legal track. Administrative legislation has become increasingly prominent in the legal system of our country. The enforcement by the executive authorities The task is also getting heavier and heavier. According to statistics, 80% of our country’s laws now rely on the implementation of the executive authorities, and almost every administrative department shoulders the task of implementing certain laws and regulations. Therefore, whether or not the executive organ enforces the law strictly is directly related to whether the vast majority of our laws and regulations can be effectively implemented. Judging from the status quo of administrative law enforcement, although governments at all levels have given a high degree of administrative law enforcement
Autumn is a harvest season.Especially here in Shanghai,in October,every year,the fabrics suppliers and buyers could gain what they most wanted in this harvest s
多年来,外出务工民兵的“三落实”工作,一直是民兵工作“三落实”难以彻底解决的老大难问题,各地虽对这部分民兵的教育、训练和管理也探讨出了一些较好的经验和做法, 但离真
博客好久没更新,忽然发现一篇博文下有一条留言。这是一条不同寻常的留言,仿佛从一个遥远的地方迂曲传来故人的遗声。我人在异乡,心已火速返乡。  我这篇被人留言的博文写的是一位诗人和一首歌。诗人在半个多世纪之前为我家乡新宾写下一首歌,轰动一时,不久人去歌息,杳沉远方。现在,终于有了他的回音——诗人的侄子辗转读到我的这篇博文,以“留言”馈答我,我感到这一刻很庄重,仿佛站在回音壁的这端,心跳停止,贴墙倾听,
中国纺织工业作为国家支柱产业,一直以来发挥着重要的作用。2008年纺织服装出口净创汇为1170亿美元,比2000年增加了3.4倍,同时中国的纺织工业,对国民经济的 As a national p